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SteamDB Blog

For when social networks aren't enough

Valve announces Steam Deck OLED

Valve announces Steam Deck OLED

Steam Deck OLED is the same powerful handheld PC, but with an HDR OLED screen, a longer lasting battery, faster WiFi, and a slew of tweaks and improvements across the board.

When is the next Steam sale?

When is the next Steam sale?

As we are approaching the end of 2020, Valve have announced the dates for the halloween, autumn, and winter sales in an email to all Steam partners.

Scanning all possible Steam IDs, and what we have found

Scanning all possible Steam IDs, and what we have found

You might have seen news that there are over 1 billion registered Steam accounts. If you go solely by the account id, then sure you can assume that. However, the reality is that not all account ids are actually registered.

Complimentary package added to Valve Index packages

Complimentary package added to Valve Index packages

Nzyme32 from resetera noted that Valve added a complimentary package which contains an unknown app (AppID 546560) to Valve Index related packages. In this post we'll delve into some of the history this app has.

Steam Remote Play Together Released, Sale Event On Now

Steam Remote Play Together Released, Sale Event On Now

After roughly one month in beta, Steam Remote Play Together is now released to all Steam users. With this feature, local multiplayer gaming is now extended to iOS and Android devices. Remote Play Together enables cross-platform play among friends across Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Steam Business Update at GDC 2019

Steam Business Update at GDC 2019

The opportunities on PC have never been bigger or more exciting, but capitalizing on those opportunities is easier said than done.

Perfect World and Valve Announce Steam China

Perfect World and Valve Announce Steam China

Perfect World and Valve announced an extension of their ongoing partnership to begin work on Steam China, which will provide Chinese gamers and developers with a new way to access Steam's expansive selection of games and entertainment.

LG Preparing VR HMD

LG Preparing VR HMD

February 27, 2017 - LG Electronics will unveil its first VR HMD prototype at this year's GDC in San Francisco, CA. Being shown in Valve's GDC booth, the LG HMD prototype is designed to deliver a high fidelity, next generation VR experience.

How and why we moved graph storage to InfluxDB

How and why we moved graph storage to InfluxDB

In case you hadn't figured it out by the dedicated menu dropdown, we like stats. The most interesting (and most popular) stats we track are of how many concurrent players are using a specific app at a specific time.

Steam Dev Days 2016: Day Two

Steam Dev Days 2016: Day Two

The Steam Dev Days 2016 are coming to an end today. If you haven't already, check out our coverage of Day One.

Steam Dev Days 2016: Day One

Steam Dev Days 2016: Day One

The first day of the Steam Dev Days 2016 is upon us! Devs from all over the world are in Seattle to talk about Steam, VR and more!

Steam Dev Days 2016: Day Zero

Steam Dev Days 2016: Day Zero

Valve just released this press release (below) regarding the Steam Dev Days 2016, teasing near and long-term expansions to Steam and some new VR peripherals.

Breaking Steam Client Cryptography

Breaking Steam Client Cryptography

Older versions of Steam allow an attacker who observes a client connecting to Steam to read sensitive information sent over the network.

Recent caching issues on Steam

Recent caching issues on Steam

As a result of a configuration change earlier today, a caching issue allowed some users to randomly see pages generated for other users for a period of less than an hour.

Recent package name additions

Recent package name additions

Today we updated SteamDB with package names from Valve's new help website after Nephrite found a method to get them.

Big Picture Store UI Refresh

Big Picture Store UI Refresh

As Valve moves closer to the SteamOS and Steam machines official release, they are putting a lot of effort into updating the Big Picture UI to provide a better experience for new users. One such change can be seen in a form of a greeting screen overviewing different aspects of Steam.

ValveTime Liveblogs From EGX 2015

ValveTime Liveblogs From EGX 2015

Nick and Glenn from ValveTime here! We're taking over SteamDB for the weekend to bring you the latest Valve news straight from EGX 2015! This is our first time liveblogging, so we probably won't be very good at it! But stick with us - perfection takes practice!

Rocket League Exploding On Steam

Rocket League Exploding On Steam

Rocket League, the popular and critically-acclaimed sports-action title from independent game developer, Psyonix, is one of the top games of the summer. Having sold more than 1 million copies via Steam since its release last month.

Valve and security: One year on from our open letter

Valve and security: One year on from our open letter

Now, just over a year on, we want to revisit the concerns we originally raised in the open letter, acknowledge the changes Valve have made to their processes over the last year, point out what we’re very happy with, and what we’re still not quite satisfied with.

Valve at GDC 2015: Expo Days

Valve at GDC 2015: Expo Days

One of our top men is at GDC to bring you the latest from the show floor. We'll also be compiling experiences of people who just demo'd the stuff Valve has at their booth.

Valve at GDC 2015: Physics talks

Valve at GDC 2015: Physics talks

It is the second day of talks at the Game Developer Conference in San Francisco today, but the first day of talks by Valve employees.

SteamVR: What we know & expect

SteamVR: What we know & expect

There's a lot of SteamVR news going around, and with that news also some misinformation. We've written this article to expand on the history of the platform and hopefully clear up some things about it.

Valve at GDC 2015

Valve at GDC 2015

Valve is attending GDC 2015 in full force! Valve has announced that they are bringing the final version of the Steam Controller, some Steam Machines, new living room devices and the HTC Vive SteamVR HMD to GDC.

New Big Picture features and tabletop code in client beta

Since the previous Steam client beta release, there's some hidden tabletop code added to the Steam Client. It's clearly visible that this code is in early stages of the development, but this gives us a hint where Steam could be heading.

A simple primer to Steam’s DB

A quick, semi-comprehensive guide as to why there’s probably more ‘Signs of Linux Support’ and ‘Game Possibly Works’ listed on the Linux Games page than there needs to be.

Steam Controller Update

Valve has been busy updating the Steam Controller, and here's what the latest iteration looks like.

Steam Beta Update: SteamVR and In-Home Streaming Beta

Steam Beta Update: SteamVR and In-Home Streaming Beta

There are some exciting changes in today's Steam client beta update! First off, SteamVR (formerly known as OpenVR), Valve's alternate reality SDK, has been officially shipped. Hopefully we'll see some developer documentation pop up soon so developers can integrate it into their games.

Valve at CES 2014 News Compilation

Valve had a press event at CES this year. MaximumPCMag filmed the whole thing, you can see it here or read the summary below.

Valve at CES 2014

Valve at CES 2014

Valve's press event was short but sweet! Here's what we've learned.

Remote Control & 2014

Remote Control & 2014

CES is coming up next week, Valve said there will be a number of third party manufacturers revealing their Steam Machines. Valve also has a decently sized booth at the event, so we might see some new stuff from Valve themselves as well!

SteamOS 1.0 "Alchemist" Beta

SteamOS 1.0 "Alchemist" Beta

Woohoo! It's finally here! This blog will mostly follow the structure of our "SteamOS: What we know and what to expect" blog post. We'll also include some speculation here and there based on our findings.

Music changes & more on Remote Control

Music changes & more on Remote Control

All information (including screenshots) in this post are to be treated as unfinished as these features are not officially available at the time of writing.

Steam Announcements Day 3: Steam controller!

Steam Announcements Day 3: Steam controller!

Valve announced their controller today. We've covered what we thought the controller would be in a previous post, but we'll just sum it up in one whole post with some more in-depth guessing.

Steam Announcements Day 1.5: What else?

Steam Announcements Day 1.5: What else?

Day 1's Steam universe announcement was SteamOS. Valve completely blew our original predictions out of the water by basically announcing/hinting to all of them. Except for the actual Steambox.

Changelog for September 21, 2013

Changelog for September 21, 2013

Our IRC bot has been merged with the updater that keeps this site up to date and has been renamed to "Steam Database Backend" which can be found on GitHub. As part of this merging process, most of the code has been rewritten to fix some bugs, improve readability and performance.

The Steam Summer Sale and you!

The Steam Summer Sale and you!

It’s around this time of year that wallets around the world start to tremble in fear of the impending Steam Summer Sale. So when is the Summer Sale actually going to start this year? Lets look at the facts:

Changelog for June 30, 2013

Changelog for June 30, 2013

You can now directly go to an app/sub if you know it's ID. Simply press ctrl+enter to go to the app page or ctrl+shift+enter to go to the sub page for the ID you entered.

Depots & Changelog for May 9, 2013

Depots are no longer available through PICS (minus depot 7 and 8), this meant we were stuck with a whole lot of apps that would never get updated again. Old depot pages will display history and what subs they are included in (if available).

Forum, Graphs & Changelog for April 30, 2013

Last week, OpenSteamWorks suffered a loss of data due to a hardware failure. Amongst other things, they hosted game graphs that show how many players were playing applications. When it was apparent that it would not be coming back any time soon, we decided to make our own version of this.

Changelog for April 1, 2013

Earlier today, after implementing a new method of gathering information (MDD) an entry called "Half-Life 4" appeared in our database.

SteamDB: Why, When, Who

We do what we do because we love information, and making it accessible for the everyday Joe.

Store Prices

Some people were asking us how we are getting all these prices in such a neat way, including different countries. So, here's a blog post explaining that!

Sorting through the rubbish

A while back Valve introduced Blotter (part of the new Steam Community). You can open up Blotter by clicking on the Community tab in your Steam Client. See that "TAG WITH GAME" option? That auto-complete list contains apps of which Game Hubs were removed earlier today.

Game Hubs! Reliable or rubbish?

Since a few hours ago, we have started processing Steam Hub names in the database (hence why a ton of apps were "updated"). Some people noticed things such as Halo 3 appearing in the database.

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