What are games built with and what technologies do they use?
Only games are counted on this page, however individual pages will display all app types.
Current rule set hash is 9475416.
It makes educated guesses, but they are just that, guesses. It is not perfect. It will never be perfect. Do not expect it to be perfect.
Every app on Steam is associated with a number of file depots. For each app on Steam, SteamDB will run scripts over all the filenames in all of its depots. Note that it is filenames, not files. These scripts only scan the names of the files, not the data they contain.
Something to emphasize is we are certainly undercounting engines/technology in three main ways:
- We can't detect things we don't yet have rules for
- False negatives will keep us from detecting everything
- Some engines are fundamentally undetectable or very difficult to detect
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