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Contribute Steam keys to SteamDB

Steam Curator

You are not signed in. Submitted keys will be anonymous.


There are a couple of reasons to give SteamDB game keys on Steam. The primary reason, is that ownership of a game allows our bot to download and track file lists in each depot the license grants (here's an example for Portal 2), which in turn allows us to automatically generate patch notes for each update (example of patches list, example of individual patch). We also detect technologies and engines in use by games.


The second reason is that it allows the bot to get common information for the game if it is not yet public (e.g. beta for kickstarter backers). Do not submit keys if you have signed an NDA.

The third reason, games in Advanced Access require ownership to for us to be able to track player numbers. More info about that here.

Are you a publisher?

If you have a publisher key (for press, friends, or family) which grants access to all your current and future releases, that's a great way to make SteamDB automatically keep up with all your releases.

Users and developers alike find SteamDB an invaluable tool for keep up with their owned games.


You may also send a game through the curator system to "SteamDB"

What happens to the keys?

Once our bot has tried to activate the key, it will be hashed (SHA1) in the database, so we no longer can access the original Steam key. We only keep hashed keys for statistics and de-duplication. We obviously do not sell or share these keys.


If our bot fails to activate the key (e.g. game already owned), you can re-use this key as we no longer have the original key stored.

Do keep in mind that if the key was already used before submitting it to us, and the bot already owns the game it will still say AlreadyPurchased instead of DuplicateActivationCode.


If a key is valid and Steam returns information for it, package name will be updated on the site.


If a key you have submitted gets activated successfully, we will give you donator badge on the site, and donator role on our Discord.


It may take a while for your key to be activated, the bot does not do it instantly upon submission. Please do not spam us with keys you find on the internet or fake generated keys.

Submitted keys breakdown
Result Count
Key activated 17353
Timeout 62
AlreadyPurchased (bot already owns this) 164108
RestrictedCountry (restricted in bot's region) 4448
BadActivationCode (invalid key) 27734
DuplicateActivationCode (key already used) 38330
DoesNotOwnRequiredApp (base game missing) 2873
OwnsExcludedApp (bot owns disallowed game) 16

If you submit keys while you are signed in, results for each submitted key will be shown here.

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