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Changelog for March 10, 2013

This is a changelog of (most) changes between the last changelog (February 12th) and now.


This is a changelog of (most) changes between the last changelog (February 12th) and now.

Frontend changes

These are changes relating to the website.

  • Added userscript promo page
  • Home page now shows three random games that are currently on sale
  • Search now remembers your query in the input box (#24)
  • If there are no results, show message to reflect this (#26)
  • If app is not available in our database, still show packages it is included in
  • Updated footer
  • Minor improvements

Backend changes

There are changes made to the applications and database powering the website.

  • Experimental implementation of packages (#2)
  • Experimental implementation of Steam's new app/sub information system called "PICS" (#4)
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed app connecting to dead Steam servers on startup (#8)
    • Fixed crash when app would get duplicate changelists from the Steam network
    • Fixed crash when app would get disconnected from Steam
    • Fixed app hanging and infinitely waiting for changelists

Steam Hub titles

A while back we implemented Steam Hub titles which gave us some titles that were not yet confirmed for a Steam release, but were present in the Steam database.

We have now seen several of these titles actually appear on Steam, and some getting significant updates. Here's a list.

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