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Using your phone as a Big Picture controller

Keep in mind that this feature is not officially released yet, it's not even in beta yet.


Keep in mind that this feature is not officially released yet, it's not even in beta yet.

How to enable Remote Control

You can read our previous blog post on how to enable and use our stuff, but to summarize:

  • If you are using SteamOS, it's already enabled by default so you don't have to do anything extra.
  • For everyone else, launch Steam with the -enableremotecontrol argument.
  • Remote calls ONLY work in Big Picture interface, so make sure to have that open when using our UI.

Adding our UI

Code is available on GitHub, and you can download it by pressing "Download ZIP" button.

All you have to do is extract archive contents to Steam/remoteui/static folder which should already contain files like gamesList.js and headsDown.html.

How to use our UI

If you want to play around the with debug interface in your browser, navigate to https://localhost:8443/static/RemoteUI.html.

Keep in mind that if you want to open this page on another machine, you will have to replace localhost in the URL with the local IP address of the machine where Steam is running.

Now, this mobile interface is quite different from the debug one, and was specifically made for use on touch devices.

Navigate to https://[local ip of your pc]:8443/static/mobile.html on your mobile device. Your browser will most likely say that the website has an invalid certificate; accept it. After doing these steps, you should be greeted with our logo if you did everything right.


Available gestures

  • Hold your finger to get prompted with a keyboard which you can use to send text (e.g. chat)
  • Tap to emulate a mouse click
  • Double tap to emulate enter key (this can be buggy)
  • Pinch to emulate escape button
  • Swipe in any direction to emulate arrow keys
  • Drag your finger to move the mouse around

As usual, report any issues you have and submit your pull requests.

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