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Ambition: A Minuet in Power Soundtrack

App ID 1721500
App Type Music
Supported Systems Windows macOS Linux
Last Changenumber 26201212
Last Record Update 14 November 2024 – 22:27:27 UTC ()
Release Date 27 August 2021 – 14:29:41 UTC ()
Parent App Ambition: A Minuet in Power (949200)

The original soundtrack of Ambition: A Minuet in Power is a heady mixture of early rococo and late baroque music composed by the incomparable John Robert Matz. Enjoy over fifty-eight full length tracks that sweep from the dizziest highs, to the darkest lows of your romantic adventure through Paris.

Steam price history

Current Price $9.99
Lowest Recorded Price $7.99 at -20% 27 January 2022
Currency Current Price Converted Price Lowest Recorded Price
U.S. Dollar $9.99 $9.99 $7.99 $7.99 at -20%
Russian Ruble 259 ₽ $2.85 -71.43% $2.28 207 ₽ at -20%
Brazilian Real R$ 20,69 $3.57 -64.18% $2.86 R$ 16,55 at -20%
Kazakhstani Tenge 1850₸ $3.69 -62.99% $2.95 1480₸ at -20%
Indian Rupee ₹ 349 $4.02 -59.76% $3.21 ₹ 279 at -20%
Ukrainian Hryvnia 169₴ $4.04 -59.52% $3.23 135₴ at -20%
South African Rand R 79.00 $4.29 -56.98% $3.43 R 63.20 at -20%
Indonesian Rupiah Rp 69999 $4.32 -56.71% $3.45 Rp 55999 at -20%
Colombian Peso COL$ 18500 $4.47 -55.23% $3.57 COL$ 14800 at -20%
Chilean Peso CLP$ 4400 $4.61 -53.78% $3.69 CLP$ 3520 at -20%
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Taiwan Dollar NT$ 186 $5.68 -43.10% $4.52 NT$ 148 at -20%
Saudi Riyal 21.95 SR $5.85 -41.42% $4.68 17.56 SR at -20%
Peruvian Sol S/.22.00 $5.95 -40.41% $4.76 S/.17.60 at -20%
CIS - U.S. Dollar $6.29 $6.29 -37.04% $5.03 $5.03 at -20%
Kuwaiti Dinar 1.95 KD $6.32 -36.70% $5.05 1.56 KD at -20%
Norwegian Krone 72,00 kr $6.47 -35.17% $5.18 57,60 kr at -20%
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New Zealand Dollar NZ$ 12.39 $7.07 -29.21% $5.65 NZ$ 9.91 at -20%
South Korean Won ₩ 10500 $7.29 -26.94% $5.83 ₩ 8400 at -20%
Singapore Dollar S$10.00 $7.46 -25.32% $5.96 S$8.00 at -20%
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Additional Information

This music is excluded from Steam Family Sharing because: This content type cannot be shared

Developer Joy Manufacturing Co.
ReleaseState released
Exclude from family sharing (exfgls) 6 (This content type cannot be shared)
Store Release Date 27 August 2021 ()
Primary Genre Unknown Genre (0)
Steam Release Date 27 August 2021 – 14:29:41 UTC ()
Store Asset Modification Time 18 August 2021 – 15:42:47 UTC () (1629301367)
MusicAlbumForAppID Ambition: A Minuet in Power (949200)
MusicAlbumAvailableOnStore Yes
store_screenshot ss_270ce226ee987fa8084a71e990d219c17ae6de00.jpg

Album Tracks

Disc Track Name Duration ISRC
1 1 Ambition - Un menuet de pouvoir (Ambition- A Minuet in Power) (Yvette’s Theme) 4:05
1 2 Arrivée à Paris (Arriving in Paris) 1:29
1 3 Sonate du Tutoriel - I. Andante 1:13
1 4 Sonate du Tutoriel - II. Vivace 1:31
1 5 Sonate du Tutoriel - III. Molto Allegro 1:11
1 6 Les rues de Paris (Paris Streets) 2:06
1 7 Un retour triomphant (A Triumphant Return) 0:15
1 8 Le Domaine no. 1 (Estate A) 2:35
1 9 Le Petit Mogul (Fatima’s Theme) 3:12
1 10 Suite Révolutionnaire - I. Pavane 2:14
1 11 Suite Révolutionnaire - II. Chant de guerre 3:05
1 12 Suite Révolutionnaire - III. Galliard 2:01
1 13 Trahison (Betrayal) 0:51
1 14 Le prêtre au coeur brisé (The Lovesick Priest) (Ludovico’s Theme) 1:58
1 15 Chapitre 1 (Chapter 1) 0:12
1 16 Le lendemain matin (The Morning After) 1:58
1 17 La Trompette du Peuple (Pierre’s Theme) 2:01
1 18 Suite Vaticana - I. Passacaglia 2:55
1 19 Suite Vaticana - II. Giga 2:19
1 20 Suite Vaticana - III. Minuetto 2:07
1 21 Carte de Paris (Paris Map) 1:35
1 22 Le bon soldat (The Good Soldier) (Thomas-Alexandre’s Theme) 2:09
1 23 Suite Militaire - I. Entrée et Marche 3:42
1 24 Suite Militaire - II. Menuet à la Rondeau 2:57
1 25 Suite Militaire - III. Bourrée 2:37
1 26 La riche veuve (The Wealthy Widow) (Honorade’s Theme) 2:54
1 27 Suite Bourgeoisie - I. Allegro 2:24
1 28 Suite Bourgeoisie - II. Minuet 1:18
1 29 Suite Bourgeoisie - III. Scherzo 1:43
1 30 Les émeutes du Réveillon (The Réveillon Riots) 1:44
1 31 Les derniers instants du soldat (A Soldier’s End) 4:18
1 32 Rendez-vous no. 1 2:07
1 33 Chapitre 2 (Chapter 2) 0:12
1 34 Le Domaine no. 2 (Estate B) 2:50
1 35 Café Príncipe 2:40
1 36 Le danger approche (Rising Peril) 5:38
1 37 Le fiancé perdu (The Estranged Fiancé) (Armand’s Theme) 1:45
1 38 Vengeance (Revenge) 3:46
1 39 Le peintre de la reine (The Royal Painter) (Élisabeth’s Theme) 2:51
1 40 Suite Royale - I. Tambourin à la Turque 3:45
1 41 Suite Royale - II. Air 2:21
1 42 Suite Royale - III. Badinage 2:51
1 43 Chantage (Blackmail) 1:12
1 44 Le jeune brandon (The Young Firebrand) (Antoine’s Theme) 3:28
1 45 Émigré (A Way Out) 5:40
1 46 Le doux mot de la fin (A Gentle Postscript) 1:23
1 47 Rendez-vous no. 2 3:01
1 48 Chapitre 3 (Chapter 3) 0:23
1 49 Le Domaine no. 3 (Estate C) 3:28
1 50 Un allié du peuple (An Ally of the People) 1:50
1 51 Une fin ignominieuse (An Ignominious End) 1:29
1 52 Un ami du Roi (A Friend of The Crown) 1:48
1 53 La Couronne victorieuse (The Crown Ascendent) 3:29
1 54 Rendez-Vous no. 3 2:58
1 55 La suspension d'audience (The Recess) 1:55
1 56 Le verdict (The Verdict) 6:32
1 57 Le rideau tombe (The Curtain Falls) 3:29
1 58 “… Et plus encore” (“...So Much More”) 1:46

Album Metadata

Key Value
Artist Various Artists
Composer John Robert Matz
Label Not set
Othercredits Musicians: Oboe Soloist - Kristin Naigus Horn, Recorder, Keyboard Soloist - John Robert Matz Oud Soloist - Alexander Lipan Baroque Flute Soloist - Gregory Orosz Bassoon Soloist - Michael Gebhart Violin Soloist - Michaela Nachtigall Cello Soloist - Andrew Dunn Clarinet Soloist - Chris Vaughn Contrabass Soloist - Sam Bobinski Mezzo-Soprano Soloist - Annie Rosen Videri String Quartet: Violin - Matheus Garcia Souza Violin - Chris Ferrara Viola - Roselie Samter Cello - Jeremiah Barcus Ensemble Players: Violins, Violas - Andrew Steffen Cellos - Andrew Stern Basses - Sam Bobinski Flutes - Gregory Orosz Oboes - Damian Nguyen Clarinets - Lori Syngajewski Bassoons - Michael Gebhart Trumpets, Horns, Keyboards - John Robert Matz Choir: Joshua Alarcon Michael David Axtell Bonnie Bogovich Brian Diamond Laura Intravia Meredith Lustig John Robert Matz Tia ‘Tiggs’ Maxfield May Claire La Plante Casey Raiha Liz Rishel Matthew Soibelman Elisabeth Zharoff Lyricist: Marilou Lopez-Aguilera

Album Assets

Key Value
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Web Assets
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