Welcome, trailblazers, to another exciting release for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition!
Happy New Year! We’re also celebrating the Lunar New Year with this patch. Here are a few notable features to look out for in today’s update:
Lunar New Year 2022 Event!
Co-Op versions of all Historical Battles! – You can now play with your friends as each Historical Battle has been updated to allow Co-Op play. In Co-Op, the missions have been updated to be more challenging and fun for two players.
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This is just a small taste of what is coming in the latest update. For a more complete list, please visit our site and check out our blog. Happy Gaming!
[READ MORE HERE!](https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iii-definitive-edition-update-61213/ style=button)
◆ UPDATE 61213 ◆
#### **Lunar New Year 2022 Event**
🤍 February 1 through February 28 🤍
_Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition_ is celebrating the 2022 Lunar New Year with an all new and unique event! For a limited time, you can unlock new portraits, explorer skins, and cheats by completing the community challenges!
##### New Cheats
This time we’re providing two cheats! One can be obtained by completing the challenges and the other is available now!
**Guardian Lion cheat – “the king of all beasts”**
* Spawns two Guardian lions!
**Lion Dance Parade cheat – “red pocket”**
* Spawns a Lion Dance Parade at your Town Center gifting you resources!
**Now through February 28th** complete in-game tasks to unlock event-themed goodies:
[tr][td]**Day ~**[/td]
[td]🎯 **Sign in to Xbox Live.**
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – An Xbox version of a Tiger.[/td][/tr]
Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days.
[table][tr][td]**Day 1**[/td]
[td]🔒 **Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer game on the Mongolia Map.**
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – A citizen in Hanfu traditional clothing.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]**Day 2**[/td]
[td]🔒 **Build all Chinese Wonders.**
🏆Profile Icon Unlock – Lion Dance.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]**Day 3**[/td]
[td]🔒 **Stun a total of 50 treasure guardians with either of the Asian Dynasty Explorers.**
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – An Arquebusier in a Tang Suit.
🧱 Shaolin Master customization – Lao Chen.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]**Day 4**[/td]
[td]🔒 **Deploy all armies from the War Academy, Castle and Home City shipments as the Chinese. (13 armies in total)**
🧱 New Cheat Unit Unlocked – Chinese Guardian Lion.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]**Day 5**[/td]
[td]🔒 **Deal 2022 damage with Axehilt the Tame Tiger or Wagner the Pet White Tiger as the Indians.**
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – A water Tiger statue, a gift of strength and braveness.
🧱 Shaolin Master customization – Captain Huang.[/td][/tr]
Remember: if you **sign in to Xbox Live** at any point during the event, you get to keep all the **mods** and **profile icons** you unlock! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!
#### **Chinese: 7 NEW Cards**
[td]**Tea Export (I)
[td]_"Ships 1 Consulate Rickshaw and 100 Export to spend. Also grants a steady trickle of Export permanently."_
* Export trickle of 0.4 per second
[td]**Year of the Tiger (I)
[td]_“For each 2 Disciples you have lost, a Pet White Tiger will be mustered to your homecity spawn point (up to a maximum of 12 units).”_[/td][/tr]
[td]**Year of the Dragon (III)
[td]_“Each Town Center will muster 1 Flamethrower and each Village will muster 1 Monitor Lizard, to your homecity spawn point.”_[/td][/tr]
[td]**Fire Dragon Manual (IV)
[td]_"Ships 1 Flying Crow and 2 Honored Flamethrowers. Slightly improves their rate of fire.”_
* Activates the Disciplined and Honored upgrades for Flamethrowers
* Flying Crow rate of fire improvement: 10%
* Flamethrower rate of fire improvement: 10%[
[td]**Koxinga (IV)
[td]_“Ships 11 Iron Troops and significantly improves their ranged rate of fire.”_
* Rate of fire improvement: 25%
[td]**1 Flying Crow (III)
[td]_“Ships 1 Flying Crow.”_[/td][/tr]
[td]**1 Flamethrower + 1 Castle Rickshaw (II)
[td]_“Ships 1 Flamethrower and 1 Castle Rickshaw.”_[/td][/tr]
###### **This is just a small taste of what is coming in the latest update. For a more complete list, please visit our site and check out our blog. Happy Gaming!**
[READ MORE HERE!](https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iii-definitive-edition-update-61213/ style=button)
##### :alertalert: **DISCLAIMER**
This list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.
For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our [social channels](https://twitter.com/ageofempires).
##### Hotfix
Today's patch contains a fix that addresses a performance issue reported by some players after our 61213 update, along with a potential OOS when playing with AI. We’re continuing to monitor performance and investigating additional changes that may help further – if you’re still experiencing a performance issue following today’s patch, please provide feedback through our Support Channels & Forums – we are definitely listening!
##### Hotfix 63727
This update, released on February 18, 2022, contains an additional fix to address the performance issues experienced by some players with our previous patch release. As with the previous hotfix, we’ll be continuing to monitor performance and investigate any additional reports that may come in after this update. If you’re still experiencing a performance issue following today’s patch, please provide feedback through our Support Channels & Forums.
Changed files in this update