Not wanting to be left out of the party, the Warden and his undead cronies are now playable in six new Challenges that test your skills and strategy! Beat the Challenges, win Glory, and unlock a raft of new portraits and even a brand new skin for the warband.
This update also includes a number of minor big fixes:
- Improved pathfinding for bots
- Fixed missing default Mollog Skin
- Fixed Blooming Spores not stacking with Great Strength
- Fixed Is it Asleep
- Replaced extra Terrifying Howl in second Garrek’s Reavers challenge
- Massive Overkill now measures wound characteristic correctly
- Fixed card UI getting stuck in some circumstances
Make sure to update your game on Steam before jumping online. Note: You should see 1.8.1 in-game once you have the update.
And as always be sure to verify the integrity of your files through Steam if you get any weird crashes, hangs or invisible fighters.
The Steel Sky team wish you all a happy holidays!
Changed files in this update