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Star Wolves 3: Civil War

App ID 46260
App Type Game
Publisher Fulqrum Publishing
Franchise Fulqrum
Supported Systems Windows
Last Changenumber 26138826
Last Record Update 11 November 2024 – 11:31:57 UTC ()
Release Date 3 March 2010 – 00:00:00 UTC ()

Large-scale battles have become a vestige of the past, depleting resources of conflicting parties. Settled space, where welfare and order had reigned, has become a cemetery for dead ships which is flooded with pirates and adventurists.

Steam price history

Current Price $4.99
Lowest Recorded Price $0.99 at -80% 21 November 2018
Currency Current Price Converted Price Lowest Recorded Price
U.S. Dollar $4.99 $4.99 $0.99 $0.99 at -80%
Russian Ruble 200 ₽ $2.11 -57.52% $0.26 25 ₽ at -81%
South African Rand R 52.00 $2.82 -43.46% $0.56 R 10.40 at -80%
Vietnamese Dong 73500₫ $2.87 -42.39% $0.54 14000₫ at -80%
Indian Rupee ₹ 250 $2.87 -42.33% $0.57 ₹ 50 at -80%
Indonesian Rupiah Rp 47499 $2.89 -41.88% $0.56 Rp 9199 at -80%
Brazilian Real R$ 16,99 $2.94 -40.93% $0.36 R$ 2,09 at -80%
Ukrainian Hryvnia 124₴ $2.97 -40.40% $0.45 19₴ at -81%
Kazakhstani Tenge 1500₸ $2.97 -40.38% $0.41 210₸ at -80%
LATAM - U.S. Dollar $2.99 $2.99 -40.08% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
MENA - U.S. Dollar $2.99 $2.99 -40.08% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
South Asia - USD $2.99 $2.99 -40.08% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
Philippine Peso ₱174.95 $3.00 -39.72% $0.57 ₱33.19 at -80%
Chinese Yuan ¥ 22 $3.00 -39.68% $0.54 ¥ 4 at -81%
Taiwan Dollar NT$ 102 $3.10 -37.77% $0.60 NT$ 20 at -80%
Chilean Peso CLP$ 3000 $3.11 -37.48% $0.62 CLP$ 600 at -80%
Malaysian Ringgit RM13.99 $3.12 -37.31% $0.53 RM2.40 at -80%
Mexican Peso Mex$ 64.49 $3.13 -37.13% $0.54 Mex$ 11.19 at -80%
Saudi Riyal 11.95 SR $3.18 -36.15% $0.63 2.39 SR at -80%
Peruvian Sol S/.12.00 $3.23 -35.20% $0.64 S/.2.40 at -80%
Colombian Peso COL$ 13500 $3.27 -34.30% $0.57 COL$ 2380 at -80%
CIS - U.S. Dollar $3.29 $3.29 -34.07% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
Thai Baht ฿115.00 $3.37 -32.44% $0.67 ฿23.00 at -80%
Kuwaiti Dinar 1.10 KD $3.56 -28.63% $0.71 0.22 KD at -80%
Qatari Riyal 12.99 QR $3.56 -28.49% $0.71 2.59 QR at -80%
Uruguayan Peso $U159 $3.67 -26.45% $0.55 $U24 at -80%
Japanese Yen ¥ 580 $3.77 -24.29% $0.64 ¥ 99 at -80%
South Korean Won ₩ 5600 $3.85 -22.79% $0.75 ₩ 1100 at -80%
Singapore Dollar S$5.25 $3.88 -22.24% $0.77 S$1.05 at -80%
U.A.E. Dirham 15.00 AED $4.08 -18.16% $0.81 3.00 AED at -80%
New Zealand Dollar NZ$ 7.39 $4.16 -16.46% $0.67 NZ$ 1.19 at -80%
Hong Kong Dollar HK$ 33.00 $4.23 -15.09% $0.84 HK$ 6.60 at -80%
Canadian Dollar CDN$ 6.49 $4.53 -9.10% $0.76 CDN$ 1.09 at -80%
Australian Dollar A$ 7.50 $4.70 -5.64% $0.94 A$ 1.50 at -80%
Costa Rican Colon ₡2400 $4.73 -5.12% $0.94 ₡480 at -80%
Norwegian Krone 55,49 kr $4.92 -1.22% $0.63 7,20 kr at -80%
Israeli New Shekel ₪18.50 $5.14 +3.13% $1.02 ₪3.70 at -80%
Euro 4,99€ $5.17 +3.74% $1.02 0,99€ at -80%
British Pound £4.29 $5.33 +7.01% $0.98 £0.79 at -80%
Polish Zloty 21,99zł $5.46 +9.56% $0.89 3,59zł at -80%
Swiss Franc CHF 5.49 $6.02 +20.83% $1.09 CHF 1.00 at -80%
Valve suggested prices are shown on package pages.

Price history

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Additional Information

Developer Elite Games Team
gamedir Star Wolves 3 Civil War
metacritic_name Star Wolves 3: Civil War
icon empty string
NoServers Yes
primarycache 46261
state eStateAvailable
serverbrowsername empty string
Publisher Fulqrum Publishing
Store Release Date 3 March 2010 ()
community_hub_visible Yes
Primary Genre Strategy (2)
Store Genres RPG (3), Strategy (2)
Steam Release Date 3 March 2010 – 00:00:00 UTC ()
Store Asset Modification Time 17 January 2023 – 14:20:08 UTC () (1673965208)
review_score 6
review_percentage 79
Detected Technologies (?) Bink_Video SDK
store_screenshot ss_83763b07003d69113aca257bb0384a4a90673ddf.jpg

Supported Languages

2 Languages Interface Full Audio Subtitles
English Yes Yes
Russian Yes Yes
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