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Ancient Russian Life Simulator

App ID 2701910
App Type Game
Publisher GosDev Production
Franchise Russian Life Simulator
Supported Systems Windows macOS Linux
Technologies Unity Engine
Last Changenumber 27241118
Last Record Update 30 January 2025 – 19:18:53 UTC ()
Release Date 15 December 2023 – 17:00:27 UTC ()

The most realistic simulator of the life of ancient Rus during the war with lizards! A historical saga about the greatness of our ancestors, bravely fighting the green plague that outnumbered them!

Steam price history

Current Price $0.99
Lowest Recorded Price $0.49 at -51% 3 February 2024
Currency Current Price Converted Price Lowest Recorded Price
U.S. Dollar $0.99 $0.99 $0.49 $0.49 at -51%
Russian Ruble 42 ₽ $0.46 -53.36% $0.23 21 ₽ at -50%
Vietnamese Dong 15000₫ $0.59 -40.33% $0.29 7500₫ at -50%
South African Rand R 11.00 $0.59 -39.52% $0.29 R 5.50 at -50%
Indonesian Rupiah Rp 9699 $0.59 -39.45% $0.29 Rp 4849 at -50%
Indian Rupee ₹ 52 $0.59 -39.40% $0.29 ₹ 26 at -50%
Kazakhstani Tenge 300₸ $0.60 -38.87% $0.30 150₸ at -50%
Brazilian Real R$ 3,49 $0.61 -38.21% $0.30 R$ 1,74 at -50%
Philippine Peso ₱35.95 $0.62 -37.06% $0.31 ₱17.97 at -50%
Ukrainian Hryvnia 26₴ $0.62 -36.70% $0.31 13₴ at -50%
Kuwaiti Dinar 0.20 KD $0.64 -34.43% $0.32 0.10 KD at -50%
Chilean Peso CLP$ 620 $0.65 -33.51% $0.32 CLP$ 310 at -50%
Mexican Peso Mex$ 13.39 $0.65 -33.40% $0.32 Mex$ 6.69 at -50%
Taiwan Dollar NT$ 22 $0.67 -32.00% $0.33 NT$ 11 at -50%
Peruvian Sol S/.2.50 $0.67 -31.83% $0.33 S/.1.25 at -50%
Malaysian Ringgit RM3.00 $0.67 -31.67% $0.33 RM1.50 at -50%
Colombian Peso COL$ 2800 $0.67 -31.44% $0.33 COL$ 1400 at -50%
Thai Baht ฿23.00 $0.68 -31.09% $0.34 ฿11.50 at -50%
Saudi Riyal 2.75 SR $0.73 -25.94% $0.36 1.37 SR at -50%
Uruguayan Peso $U32 $0.73 -25.42% $0.36 $U16 at -50%
South Korean Won ₩ 1100 $0.76 -22.92% $0.38 ₩ 550 at -50%
Qatari Riyal 2.79 QR $0.76 -22.47% $0.38 1.39 QR at -50%
Japanese Yen ¥ 120 $0.78 -20.44% $0.39 ¥ 60 at -50%
U.A.E. Dirham 3.00 AED $0.81 -17.50% $0.40 1.50 AED at -50%
Singapore Dollar S$1.10 $0.82 -17.04% $0.41 S$0.55 at -50%
Chinese Yuan ¥ 6 $0.82 -16.45% $0.41 ¥ 3 at -50%
New Zealand Dollar NZ$ 1.49 $0.85 -13.72% $0.42 NZ$ 0.74 at -50%
LATAM - U.S. Dollar $0.89 $0.89 -10.10% $0.44 $0.44 at -51%
MENA - U.S. Dollar $0.89 $0.89 -10.10% $0.44 $0.44 at -51%
Hong Kong Dollar HK$ 7.00 $0.89 -9.17% $0.44 HK$ 3.50 at -50%
CIS - U.S. Dollar $0.90 $0.90 -9.09% $0.45 $0.45 at -50%
South Asia - USD $0.90 $0.90 -9.09% $0.45 $0.45 at -50%
Canadian Dollar CDN$ 1.29 $0.90 -8.10% $0.45 CDN$ 0.64 at -50%
Australian Dollar A$ 1.50 $0.95 -3.79% $0.47 A$ 0.75 at -50%
Israeli New Shekel ₪3.50 $0.98 -0.74% $0.49 ₪1.75 at -50%
Costa Rican Colon ₡500 $0.98 -0.11% $0.49 ₡250 at -50%
Norwegian Krone 11,00 kr $0.98 -0.02% $0.49 5,50 kr at -50%
Euro 0,99€ $1.03 +4.91% $0.51 0,49€ at -51%
British Pound £0.89 $1.12 +13.14% $0.55 £0.44 at -51%
Polish Zloty 4,49zł $1.13 +14.18% $0.56 2,24zł at -50%
Swiss Franc CHF 1.09 $1.21 +22.37% $0.60 CHF 0.54 at -50%
Valve suggested prices are shown on package pages.

Price history

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Additional Information

Developer GosDev Production
community_visible_stats Yes
ReleaseState released
Publisher GosDev Production
Store Release Date 15 December 2023 ()
osarch 64
community_hub_visible Yes
Primary Genre Simulation (28)
Store Genres Casual (4), Indie (23), Simulation (28)
Steam Release Date 15 December 2023 – 17:00:27 UTC ()
Store Asset Modification Time 15 December 2023 – 03:11:50 UTC () (1702609910)
osextended empty string
germanAlter Russischer Lebenssimulator
frenchSimulateur de vie Russe Antique
italianSimulatore di vita dell'antica Russia
koreana고대 러시아 생활 시뮬레이터
spanishSimulador de vida Ruso Antiguo
portugueseAntigo Simulador de Vida Russa
polishStarożytny Rosyjski Symulator Życia
danishGammel Russisk Livssimulator
dutchOude Russische Levenssimulator
finnishMuinainen Venäläinen Elämän Simulaattori
norwegianGammel Russisk Livssimulator
swedishForntida Rysk Livssimulator
hungarianŐsi Orosz életszimulátor
czechStarověký Ruský Simulátor Života
romanianSimulatorul de Viață din Rusia Antică
turkishEski Rus Yaşam Simülatörü
brazilianAntigo Simulador de Vida Russa
bulgarianДревен Руски Симулатор на Живот
greekΑρχαίος ρωσικός προσομοιωτής ζωής
ukrainianСимулятор давньоруського життя
latamSimulador de Vida Ruso Antiguo
vietnameseTrình mô phỏng cuộc sống cổ đại của Nga
indonesianSimulator Kehidupan Rusia Kuno
englishAncient Russian Life Simulator
review_score 8
review_percentage 92
Detected Technologies (?) Unity Engine, SteamworksNET SDK, cURL SDK
aicontenttype 1

Supported Languages

30 Languages Interface Full Audio Subtitles Achievements
English Yes Yes Yes
French Yes
Italian Yes
German Yes
Spanish - Spain Yes
Arabic Yes
Bulgarian Yes
Czech Yes
Danish Yes
Dutch Yes
Finnish Yes
Greek Yes
Hungarian Yes
Indonesian Yes
Japanese Yes
Korean Yes
Norwegian Yes
Polish Yes
Portuguese - Brazil Yes
Portuguese - Portugal Yes
Romanian Yes
Russian Yes Yes Yes
Simplified Chinese Yes
Spanish - Latin America Yes
Swedish Yes
Thai Yes
Traditional Chinese Yes
Turkish Yes
Ukrainian Yes
Vietnamese Yes
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Web Assets
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