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Skyward Collapse

App ID 238890
App Type Game
Publisher Arcen Games, LLC
Franchise Arcen Strategy, Arcen Tactics
Supported Systems Windows macOS Linux
Technologies Unity Engine
Last Changenumber 26282878
Last Record Update 20 November 2024 – 16:12:17 UTC ()
Release Date 23 May 2013 ()

How do you balance -- and indeed encourage -- a war between factions without letting either side obliterate the other? How do you rule over gods, creatures, and men who refuse to obey you? How do you build a landscape of villages when bandits and mythology are conspiring to tear it down?

Steam price history

Current Price $4.99
Lowest Recorded Price $0.99 at -80% 27 October 2014
Currency Current Price Converted Price Lowest Recorded Price
U.S. Dollar $4.99 $4.99 $0.99 $0.99 at -80%
Russian Ruble 200 ₽ $2.07 -58.48% $0.25 25 ₽ at -81%
South African Rand R 52.00 $2.81 -43.67% $0.56 R 10.40 at -80%
Indian Rupee ₹ 250 $2.88 -42.28% $0.56 ₹ 49 at -75%
Vietnamese Dong 73500₫ $2.88 -42.26% $0.54 14000₫ at -80%
Indonesian Rupiah Rp 47499 $2.90 -41.77% $0.56 Rp 9199 at -80%
Brazilian Real R$ 16,99 $2.94 -40.93% $0.36 R$ 2,09 at -80%
Kazakhstani Tenge 1500₸ $2.96 -40.59% $0.41 210₸ at -80%
Ukrainian Hryvnia 124₴ $2.97 -40.40% $0.45 19₴ at -81%
LATAM - U.S. Dollar $2.99 $2.99 -40.08% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
MENA - U.S. Dollar $2.99 $2.99 -40.08% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
South Asia - USD $2.99 $2.99 -40.08% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
Philippine Peso ₱174.95 $3.00 -39.73% $0.57 ₱33.19 at -80%
Chinese Yuan ¥ 22 $3.01 -39.67% $0.54 ¥ 4 at -81%
Taiwan Dollar NT$ 102 $3.10 -37.73% $0.60 NT$ 20 at -80%
Chilean Peso CLP$ 3000 $3.12 -37.47% $0.62 CLP$ 600 at -80%
Malaysian Ringgit RM13.99 $3.12 -37.28% $0.53 RM2.40 at -80%
Mexican Peso Mex$ 64.49 $3.13 -37.12% $0.54 Mex$ 11.19 at -80%
Saudi Riyal 11.95 SR $3.18 -36.14% $0.63 2.39 SR at -80%
Peruvian Sol S/.12.00 $3.23 -35.18% $0.64 S/.2.40 at -80%
Colombian Peso COL$ 13500 $3.26 -34.56% $0.57 COL$ 2380 at -80%
CIS - U.S. Dollar $3.29 $3.29 -34.07% $0.59 $0.59 at -80%
Thai Baht ฿115.00 $3.37 -32.35% $0.67 ฿23.00 at -80%
Kuwaiti Dinar 1.10 KD $3.56 -28.62% $0.71 0.22 KD at -80%
Qatari Riyal 12.99 QR $3.56 -28.52% $0.71 2.59 QR at -80%
Uruguayan Peso $U159 $3.66 -26.57% $0.55 $U24 at -80%
Japanese Yen ¥ 580 $3.80 -23.78% $0.64 ¥ 99 at -80%
South Korean Won ₩ 5600 $3.85 -22.73% $0.75 ₩ 1100 at -80%
Singapore Dollar S$5.25 $3.87 -22.25% $0.77 S$1.05 at -80%
U.A.E. Dirham 15.00 AED $4.08 -18.16% $0.81 3.00 AED at -80%
New Zealand Dollar NZ$ 7.39 $4.17 -16.27% $0.67 NZ$ 1.19 at -80%
Hong Kong Dollar HK$ 33.00 $4.23 -15.13% $0.84 HK$ 6.60 at -80%
Canadian Dollar CDN$ 6.49 $4.54 -8.96% $0.76 CDN$ 1.09 at -80%
Costa Rican Colon ₡2400 $4.71 -5.45% $0.94 ₡480 at -80%
Australian Dollar A$ 7.50 $4.72 -5.39% $0.94 A$ 1.50 at -80%
Norwegian Krone 55,49 kr $4.95 -0.67% $0.64 7,20 kr at -80%
Israeli New Shekel ₪18.50 $5.15 +3.31% $1.03 ₪3.70 at -80%
Euro 4,99€ $5.17 +3.61% $1.02 0,99€ at -80%
British Pound £4.29 $5.33 +7.01% $0.98 £0.79 at -80%
Polish Zloty 22,99zł $5.70 +14.40% $0.89 3,59zł at -80%
Swiss Franc CHF 5.49 $6.01 +20.46% $1.09 CHF 1.00 at -80%
Valve suggested prices are shown on package pages.

Price history

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Additional Information

Developer Arcen Games, LLC
gamedir ValveTestApp238890
metacritic_name Skyward Collapse
icon empty string
metacritic_score 64
NoServers No
state eStateComingSoonNoPreload
VisibleOnlyWhenSubscribed Yes
community_visible_stats Yes
sourcegame Yes
DLCAvailableOnStore Yes
checkpkgstate Yes
ReleaseState released
Publisher Arcen Games, LLC
Store Release Date 23 May 2013 ()
community_hub_visible Yes
Primary Genre Indie (23)
Store Genres Indie (23), Simulation (28), Strategy (2)
Store Asset Modification Time 29 December 2015 – 19:42:03 UTC () (1451418123)
review_score 5
review_percentage 45
Detected Technologies (?) Unity Engine, SteamworksNET SDK
Steam Deck Compatibility
  • category: Playable
  • test_timestamp: 18 March 2023 – 00:00:00 UTC
  • tested_build_id: 485696
  • configuration:
  • This game sometimes shows mouse, keyboard, or non-Steam-Deck controller icons
  • Entering some text requires manually invoking the on-screen keyboard
  • Some in-game text is small and may be difficult to read
  • All functionality is accessible when using the default controller configuration
  • This game's default graphics configuration performs well on Steam Deck
store_screenshot ss_a3d83942e51df067f00e89cb93c19ed37277dde9.jpg

Supported Languages

1 Languages Interface Full Audio Subtitles
English Yes Yes
clienticon 505505beb9435e8e02fa4909085939a3df309935
clienttga e434d2e2b52285352aab345776475ecfaab57e0f
icon a03de1ec95a42e10836809767fb6fc2783ed5a42
logo 0eb1965202dbbeb82fed1152e1620f14518678bb
logo_small 0eb1965202dbbeb82fed1152e1620f14518678bb_thumb
clienticns 12200182c65c6a291aaf03fd9bb637082a3967bd
Web Assets
capsule_231x87.jpgLast-Modified: 22 May 2013 – 17:42:20 UTC
capsule_467x181.jpgLast-Modified: 22 May 2013 – 17:42:20 UTC
capsule_616x353.jpgLast-Modified: 22 May 2013 – 17:42:20 UTC
header.jpgLast-Modified: 22 May 2013 – 17:42:20 UTC
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