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Steam Weekly Global Top Sellers

Top selling games on Steam by revenue for the week

Top sellers for the week ending 17 September 2017

Week 37
Rank Name Change Developer Release Date
1. PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS PUBG Corporation 21 December 2017
2. Divinity: Original Sin 2 2 Larian Studios 14 September 2017
3. NBA 2K18 Visual Concepts
4. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1 Valve 21 August 2012
5. DARK SOULS™ III FromSoftware, Inc. 11 April 2016
6. Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar North 13 April 2015
7. Dead by Daylight Behaviour Interactive Inc. 14 June 2016
8. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen 5 Firaxis Games 29 August 2017
9. NieR:Automata™ 7 Square Enix 17 March 2017
10. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Bethesda Game Studios 28 October 2016

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