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Steam Weekly Global Top Sellers

Top selling games on Steam by revenue for the week

Top sellers for the week ending 7 June 2015

Week 23
Rank Name Change Developer Release Date
1. ARK: Survival Evolved Studio Wildcard 29 August 2017
2. Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar North 13 April 2015
3. LEGO® Worlds TT Games 7 March 2017
4. The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt 3 CD PROJEKT RED 18 May 2015
5. Steam Controller 10 November 2015
6. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 3 Valve 21 August 2012
7. Fallout 4 Bethesda Game Studios 10 November 2015
8. Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition Bethesda Game Studios 17 December 2009
9. Steam Link 10 November 2015
10. Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition

Updates every Tuesday at around 13:00 Pacific time.

Data is from the official Steam RSS feed

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