From my battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4
Greetings, This is MIR4.
These are the details of the update scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
[Main Updates]
◈In-Game Updates◈
- New Content: Domination Server & Tower of Black Dragon
- New Stat: Antidemon Power
- New Crafting manual will be added.
- New Area: Sabuk area
- New System: Assassin Mode
- New Raid: Sabuk Execution Ground
- New Spirit: ‘Verdant Watcher Gargas’
◈DRACO Updates◈
- Source of XDRACO items gained from MIRAGE can be viewed.
[September 20th Patch Note Details]
◈In-Game Updates◈
■ Domination Server
● Playable content that is available for Dragonians above level 90 from different servers in the same region.
● Domination servers will be opened three times a day, and can be entered once a day.
- Domination servers will be opened for 4 hours per each round.
- Players can re-enter Domination Servers freely if more than 10 minutes is left until the round ends.
[td]1st Round[/td]
[td]09:00 ~ 13:00[/td]
[td]2nd Round[/td]
[td]15:00 ~ 19:00[/td]
[td]3rd Round[/td]
[td]21:00 ~ 01:00[/td]
※ Domination server will be opened based on server regional times of each region.
● Upon entering Domination servers, your gameplay will be similar to the that of an Expedition member.
- Same as in Expeditions, Life x5. But please be aware that Life in the Domination server will be shared with Expedition contents. Life can be charged using Life of Water.
- Characters who have consumed all Life by PK in Domination servers will be resurrected in Sabuk Castle upon death.
- When a character is resurrected by resurrection skills of a Spirit or a Taoist after getting killed by PK in Domination Servers, the character will be resurrected from the area of death with no loss of Life.
- Death penalty from PK in Domination Servers include Internal injuries, EXP reduction, and item loss.
- You can create a party with characters from other servers in Domination servers.
- Missions and Requests for Domination servers will be added.
- ‘Epic/Legendary Blue Dragon statue’ can be crafted using [Seal of Domination]
● There are 3 field areas and 1 exclusive content in Domination Server.
- Field Area: [Domination] Sabuk Castle, [Domination] Sabuk Province, Domination Labyrinth
- Exclusive content of Domination server: Tower of Black Dragon
※ Please refer to [Game Encyclopedia - Domination Server] for further details.
■ Tower of Black Dragon
● ‘Tower of Black Dragon’, exclusive content for Domination Servers, will be added.
- Level Entry Restriction for Tower of Black Dragon is 95.
- It consists of 3 floors in total, and a rare Tower of Black Dragon entry ticket will be consumed upon entering into the tower.
- Crafting materials for the Entry Ticket can be obtained from Sealing Chamber (Magic Square) and Repeatable missions (Domination area)
- You can enter Tower of Black Dragon through the Portal menu in Domination Server.
● Tower of Black Dragon will be accessible after meeting required level and power score requirements.
- Up to 300 Dragonians can enter.
- Use of Tower of Black Dragon will be freely accessible during the remaining time of Domination server, and characters will be automatically expelled when the round is over.
- It will be reset at 04:00 based on regional server times.
● Participate in special events that take place in Tower of Black Dragon.
- Defeat [Juja Neoul]
- Attack of the Living Wraiths in Tower of Black Dragon
- Earn Summon Badge by finding ‘Yongyong’
- Summon Boss with Summon Badge
- Defeat Unique Boss
- Find the Hidden Warp point
- Find Splendid gathering node
※ Please refer to [Game Encyclopedia - Tower of Black Dragon] for further details.
■ Character
● New stat ‘Antidemon Power’ will be added.
- Antidemon Power' is a stat that influences your damage against Dark monsters.
- Monsters in Domination server and Tower of Black Dragon will be Dark monsters.
- New Magic stone, Spirit Treasure, and Mystical Piece will be added; all items mentioned can be obtained from Combine.
■ New Area
● New area ‘Sabuk area’ will be added.
- ‘Gorge Cliff Path’, ‘Gorge Cave’, ‘Sabuk Labyrinth’ , 'Great Sabuk Wall' will be added to ‘Sabuk area’.
- Missions and requests that can be for the new area will be added.
- Tower of Conquest will be expanded from stage 19 to stage 21, and character level will be expanded from 150 to 170 with the addition of new area.
- Constitution will be expanded from 15 to 17, and Inner Force will be expanded from 14 to 16 with the addition of new area.
- ‘Sabuk Labyrinth 4F’ will be accessible for Expeditions with the addition of new area.
■ Crafting Manual
● Crafting manual for Tower of Black Dragon Entry Ticket will be added.
- NPC: <Scute Collector> Uhm Jinho
- Area: [Domination] Sabuk Castle
[2 Different crafting manuals of 'Rare Tower of Black Dragon Entry Ticket']
Black Dragon’s Scute x3
Purified Soul Stone x100
Copper x100,000
Darksteel x100,000
Old Sword Fragment x3
Purified Soul Stone x100
Copper x100,000
Darksteel x100,000
● Crafting manual for Blue Dragon statue will be added.
- NPC: <Blue Dragon Craftsman> Dampyo
[th]Craftable Item[/th]
[th]Required Resources[/th]
[td]Legendary Blue Dragon Statue[/td]
[td]Seal of Domination
[td]Epic Blue Dragon Statue[/td]
[td]Seal of Domination
● Crafting manuals for items related to ‘Sabuk Area’ will be added. - NPC: <Craft Master> Lee Sujae
- Area: Sabuk Castle
■ Expedition
● [Sabuk Labyrinth 4F] will be added to Available area.
● New system ‘Assassin Mode’ will be added.
- PK mode that where you can kill other players, disguising yourself in Expedition.
- You can set Assassin Mode after owning the item ‘Assassin Transformation Ticket’
※ Please refer to [Game Encyclopedia - Expedition] for further details.
■ Raid
● New raid ‘Sabuk Execution Ground’ will be added.
- Monster level: 155
- Entry Power Score: 117,000
■ Spirit
● Spirit Stone for new Forest Epic Spirit ‘Verdant Watcher Gargas’ can be obtained through special summon.
- Passive bonus once summoned: PHYS DEF +20
[th]Skill Effect[/th]
[td]Watcher's Eye[/td]
[td]Increases Max MP by 1000, CRIT DMG Reduction by 40%, Monster DMG Reduction by 20%, and Boss DMG Reduction by 20%.[/td]
[td]Essence of the Verdant[/td]
[td]Increases HP Potion Effect on use by 8%, Max HP by 3%, Silence RES Boost by 40%, and reduces Skill MP Cost by 5%.[/td]
[td]Wings of Vitality[/td]
[td]Recovers 3% of Max HP instantly upon killing an enemy. Cool 10 sec.[/td]
■ Conquest
● Difficulty of promotion in Training Sanctum will be adjusted.
[th]Promotion Stage[/th]
[td]17 → 18[/td]
[td]Reach Tier 5 Violet Mist Art
Reach Tier 5 Northern Profound Art
Reach Tier 5 Toad Stance[/td]
[td]Reach Tier 3 Violet Mist Art
Reach Tier 3 Northern Profound Art
Reach Tier 4 Toad Stance[/td]
[td]18 → 19[/td]
[td]Reach Tier 14 Muscle Strength Manual
Reach Tier 14 Nine Yin Manual
Reach Tier 14 Nine Yang Manual[/td]
[td]Reach Tier 12 Muscle Strength Manual
Reach Tier 12 Nine Yin Manual
Reach Tier 13 Nine Yang Manual[/td]
■ In-game bug fixes & gameplay improvements
- Favorites feature will be applied to repeatable mission.
- Adjustment in item drop rate regarding certain requests.
- Adjustment in purchase limitation of Ice Crystal (1500 → 5000).
- Fix in some item descriptions.
- Fix in irregular graphic visuals while proceeding some quests.
◈DRACO Updates◈
● Source of MIRAGE XDRACO items will be added.
- Source of items obtained from MIRAGE Boss raid will be viewable.
- Source of MIRAGE Scroll Box items will be viewable.
Changed files in this update