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Chaos Galaxy 2 update for 15 September 2022

Version 0.8.1 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9520950 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:33:24 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi, my friends!

As a grand strategy game, the savedatas of Chaos Galaxy 2 is extremely complex. As the number of savedatas increases, the time required to open the Saveload Menu becomes more and more unbearable. Therefore, the functions of Quick Save and Quick Load have been added in this update. After setting a saveslot as the Quicksave Slot, we can Quick Save and Quick Load without opening the Saveload Menu. The default Quicksave Slot is the Slot 1.

Gameplay improvement:

  1. modified the dialogue and notice when the alien fleet retreat.
  2. Increase the priority of AI units to use Lock. However, if the unit have any weapon available, the priority of Lock will be greatly reduced
  3. The player economic bonus in Tutorial is High by default.
  4. Some text descriptions are adjusted.

Bug Fixed:

  1. Fixed a bug that James' Tactical skill Gold Incentive only affected a single tile rather than the cross area.
  2. Fixed a bug that Silvereyes' Talent Calculation AI displayed a wrong effect on the Skillchip UI.
  3. Fixed a bug that there might be no alien fleets when choosing Blackdragon Spawns to play the game.
  4. Fixed a bug that Nguyen Anh's Tactical skill Fast Traffic will affect friendly supportships.
  5. Fixed a bug that Zayd's Tactical skill Camouflage Traffic failed to affect friendly supportships.
  6. Fixed a bug that the Blackdragon Spawns may have overlapping lines in the monthly financial reports.
  7. Fixed a bug that the skill chip Fortification Talent did not reduce the cost of orbital fortress.
  8. Fixed a bug there is friendship between AI rebels and the Blackdragon Spawns.
  9. Fixed a bug that the StartScene would become very slow after being placed for a period of time.

It is expected there are 1-2 more updates in version 0.8. See you next update.

Han Zhiyu

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