[✅] Add Popup that shows if Backup save data was loaded.
[🔼] Make new recipes POP more in gift unlocks.
[🔼] Escape key closes windows opened .
[🔼] Force save trays prior to store switch.
[🔼] XP allocation amount setting is now shared between all open XP panels
[🔼] Replaced the +5% text of XP upgrades to instead preview changes from XP Allocation
[🔼] R&D will not purchase conveyor belts unless you already have purchased the baker and cashier for that dessert.
[🔼] Further improved time for processing offline generations.
[🔨] Active store collected time away while active when you have more than one store
[🔨] Sell Store tab doesn't update the lvl while sitting on the screen.
[🔨] Dragging the screen resolution, some main elements do not scale well.
[🔨] Final lvl of specialty stores didn't process offline for purchasing recipes properly.
[🔨] There was a small memory leak caused by switching stores which is now fixed.
[🔨] When users are offline for huge amounts of time with high punch clock, sometimes they got locked on the loading screen from rolling over numbers :(.
[🔨] Some notification dots don't appear immediately on load.
[🔨] Coffee Dot notification not always clearing properly.
[🔨] Fixed some inconsistencies with award names.
[🔨] Managers purchasing conveyor belts don't count towards award
[🔨] Respec of HQ Upgrades doesn't work in landscape mode
[🔨] Misc other bug fixes for text and alignments throughout.
Changed files in this update