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Sphere 3 update for 14 September 2022


Share · View all patches · Build 9515630 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It's time to diversify gray autumn everyday life - after all, Oktoberfest is coming! Take part in the Sphere 3 Drink Festival and get an unforgettable experience and valuable prizes, including unique boots and a new title!

In the main cities and towns, you can find special drink tents where special holiday quests await you. Those players who have been with us for more than a year will surely remember the charming frau with their divine drinks.

Contact the character "Holiday Master's Helper" to take the first task.

After completing the quest chain, they will be available daily. Complete them every day to earn Festival Coins, which in turn can be exchanged for amazing prizes:
Tailwind Boots (3 multi-colored and 3 colorless slots) - increase movement speed by 6%
Gust of Wind Boots (3 multi-colored and 3 colorless slots) - when receiving damage with a 5% chance, increase the character's movement speed by 15% for 10s. Cooldown 20s
Title "Connoisseur of Ale" - increases stamina and spirit by 2.5%

Have a good time at Oktoberfest, collect all the gifts and stock up on a good mood!

We wish you a pleasant game!

Windows Sphere III: Enchanted World Ru Depot 397041
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