We've added a TON of new items to the merchants storefronts, so get out there and SPEND SPEND SPEND!
New stuff:
- Plant stand cactus
- LeafyBed
- Sunchair
- Several New Styles of Wall Stitchart
- Wall shower
- Washing machine
- Bathtub
- Wall divider
- TvBench
- Bamboo Mirror
- Bamboo Shelf
- Bamboo Wall Seperator
- Clothes line
- BeachUmbrella
- Rainbow Rug
- Coffee Maker
- Cutting board
- Iron
- Ironing Board
- Laundry Machine
- Microwave
- Rainbow Rug
- Toaster
- Welcome rug
- Coral Carpet
We can't wait to see your homes all decorated up and cozy.
//The Garden of the Sea team!
Changed files in this update