Ninja: Second phase - must deal less damage to complete. After the third phase, more time to attack.
Gorgon Medusa: Creates an extra Green Sphere at the beginning.
King Crab: Armor -2. Now pushes crabs around.
Increased life time of all summoners by 5 seconds (Tornado by 2 seconds).
Meteorite - Redesigned. Increased damage. Can now deal damage to player!
Water Splash - Reload 1.5 -> 1. At 3rd level, count bonus: +1->+2.
Water Splash -> Substantially increased repulsive force.
Discharge - Reload 1.5 -> 1.2. Damage 15->18.
Feathers - Damage +4. Lightness: Chance +10%.
Tomahawk - Slightly increased size. Damage + 3.
Accumulation - Bonus to size and damage 15% -> 20%.
Divide - Penalties are now the same at each level: Damage and Size -12%.
Freeze (modifier) - Level 1 and 2. Chance +4%->3%.
Flag-bearer - Aura size is displayed correctly.
Perfect Crown - In addition to damage, gives Size +20%.
Gold Shoes - Chance of dual coin drop.
Beggar's Clothes - Rarity: Rare -> Normal.
Dressing gown - Meditation: Regeneration 0.2 -> 0.5
Monk's Robe - Meditation: Damage +10% -> 15%.
Black Belt - Meditation: Recharge -7% -> -10%.
Minor fixes.
Changed files in this update