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Dota 2 update for 13 September 2022

Battle Pass Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9510145 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

On release of the Battle Pass, one theme we've noticed in community feedback is that players don't feel like they're making progress commensurate with the amount of matches that they have been playing. With that in mind, we looked at the data for the 2022 Battle Pass compared to The International 10 Battle Pass to see if the data matched this perception. What we found is that even though the amount of points players can potentially earn is similar between the two Battle Passes, the median amount that has been earned is lower in the 2022 Battle Pass. As a result, a hardcore player will have a similar amount of points, but a more casual player is likely to have fewer points than before.

With this data in hand, we have decided to make some changes to help achieve our goal of making participating in the Battle Pass feel rewarding for all players. 

Weekly Bonus Feature

We're adding a new Weekly Bonus feature that simply grants Battle Points whenever you complete a match.  Winning a match earns 200 Battle Points, and losing a match grants 100 Battle Points up to a cap of 2000 Battle Points per week. Turbo matches also earn Battle Points, but at half of the normal rate. 

Weekly Quests Update

Starting with Week 2, we've made changes to the rewards for Weekly Quests:

  • For non-Bonus weeks, instead of rewarding 500/1000/1500 Battle Points at 4/9/15 stars, we will now reward 1000/1000/1000 Battle Points at 2/8/15 stars. 
  • For Bonus weeks, the first Bonus Week Battle Chest is now available at 2 stars instead of 3 stars.

The net result of these changes is that these rewards will be accessible for more casual players.  We also recommend that players prioritize completing the Bonus Weeks, as the Bonus Week Battle Chests are potentially worth a large amount of points.

Dota Plus Outage

We apologize to all Dota Plus customers that Dota Plus item suggestions have not been working for the past week. We believe that it should be working now, and we're sorry for the delay.

In compensation, we're going to grant every player who has played a match since the release of the Battle Pass a free week of Dota Plus.

The following changelog has been automatically generated from GameTracking data.


  • Updated localization files for Danish, Norwegian, Spanish - Spain, Thai, Portuguese - Brazil, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, and Romanian


  • Modified Economy Item: Dota Plus Subscription - Three Days Time
  • Modified Economy Item: Dota Plus Subscription - Seven Days Time

English Localization

  • DOTA_International2022_MysteryBox_RewardDescriptionLabel: Possible rewardsStarting reward
  • Notification_PlusDowntime_Grant7Days: We apologize for the recent Dota Plus downtime. All users have been granted an extra 7 days of Dota Plus.<br><br>Check your Armory to claim your extra time.
  • DOTA_International2022_MysteryBox_NoItemYet_Header: Inventory Item Delayed
  • DOTA_International2022_MysteryBox_NoItemYet_Desc: There was a delay claiming this Weekly Quest reward; it will be delivered to your inventory when processing is completed.
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_Title: Weekly Bonus
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_Desc: Earn 200<panel class=\"PointsIcon\" /> per win, 100<panel class=\"PointsIcon\" /> per loss.
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_Tooltip: Turbo matches earn half points.
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_Reset: Resets in <span class=\"ResetTime\">{t:d:t:T:countdown_time}</span>
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_WonMatch: Weekly Bonus: Won Match
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_LostMatch: Weekly Bonus: Lost Match
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_WonTurboMatch: Weekly Bonus: Won Turbo Match
  • DOTA_BattlePass2022_WeeklyBonus_LostTurboMatch: Weekly Bonus: Lost Turbo Match
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