We are happy to announce Traitors in Salem is now fully released! Thank you to everyone who has helped us out throughout the Alpha and Beta to make this game a reality.
After many years the Necronomicon has begun to stir. Its power seeping throughout the Town corrupting the minds of the weak. Will you fight off the call of the Necronomicon, or will you fall victim to its allure? Download Traitors in Salem today to find out!
How to play?:
In terms of gameplay, each player gets one of 31 possible unique roles at the start of the game. Players can interact with NPCs to start different quests that can contribute to the towns victory, or gives special personal perks. Roles have abilities to do things like reveal yourself to the town as innocent, track down a killer from a dead body, and even shoot the suspicious. Other role abilities include things like burning away dead bodies, convert Town members over to the side of Evil, and blocking all Town members from using abilities. The Town members (good guys) will try and use abilities to find out information to use at the Trial to hang Traitors. Traitors will use stealth and cunning to avoid detection and kill of Town members. Once one faction remains, the winner is declared.
Some notable features of Traitors in Salem are:
- Share your Role Deck - Save, load, and share pre-built decks with your friends
- Banning Roles - On top of choosing roles to be in the game, you can ban roles to ensure they don't appear. This opens up tons of special crazy modes to create
- Quests - Talk to dedicated NPCs to obtain quests in preparation of banishing the Necronomicon, or get special perks
- Choose your Adventure - The game can be customized. Choose from options such as ability cooldowns, vision range, discussion time and more
- Game-Wide Voice chat - Voice Chat is integrated (built-in) to Traitors in Salem. Global Voice Chat is available during the lobby, discussion, and trial phases of the game
- Proximity Voice - On top of the normal Global Voice Chat, there is also Proximity Voice Chat for chatting with those near you during gameplay
- English and Chinese Language Support - Change your selected language to set your language and allow for English or Chinese games
- Chaos Modes - Capture the Flag add for an extra layer of fun, outside of the base game play allowed within a normal game mode
Official Website: https://www.traitorsinsalem.com
Press Kit – https://www.blankmediagames.com/traitorsinsalempresskit.zip
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/TraitorsinSalem
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TraitorsInSalem
Interview requests – interviews@blankmediagames.zendesk.com
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