Hey everyone!
We're approaching the timeframe I had hoped to release our next game update. I'm currently working on addressing the QoL requests I've received from you.
This includes:
- Key-binding
- Mouse-binding
- Gamepad controller support
- Disable screenshake
- Disable character lookup
- Various UI customization options (ex: larger cards, larger stats for visibility on TV screens)
- Better overall controls for character movement and attacking (particularly sprint shot)
- Many more usability + bug fixes
The full list is quite extensive, but just wanted to give a sense of the scope. As the game was initially designed for mouse-only control, adding key-binding and gamepad support has taken a lot more work than I'd hoped (and requires a lot more testing). But, I know how important this is for many of you, so I have diligently kept at it.
Summoners Fate will be featured in the upcoming Tacticon event on Steam (an event dedicated to strategy/tactics games) that runs September 22nd-26th, and I wanted to let you know that I am pushing hard to deliver this update to you on or before these dates.
Twitch Streamer kormakrtv (https://www.twitch.tv/kormakrtv) will be interviewing me and streaming a Let's Play of Summoners Fate on Saturday, September 24th from 10AM-1PM MT.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for your patience and support of the game! I'm absolutely thrilled by the positive Steam reviews (I can't express enough how much these matter to me) - we're now at 93% Very Positive rating.
Any questions, concerns, or just want to chat? I can be reached as always here:
- Steam discussion board: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1681840/discussions/
- Discord: https://discord.gg/d20studios (RossD20Studios#2359)
Changed depots in test branch