Ahoy, mateys!
Hope y'all had a great summer. Or winter, depending on the hemisphere.
Version 1.6 is starting Act IV with a new town zone (Smuggler's Route) and a huge new map: the Pirate Citadel. I hope you'll like the scenery.
An even bigger update is the new Treasure Hunt mode accessible in the new town. It is an infinite series of random dungeons, that get progressively harder with each stage. Also, if you die, you can start it again from the first stage. Think of it as a roguelike mode. No cool boss fights yet, unfortunately, but since this is the first iteration of the feature, it can still change in various ways, depending on your feedback. It should also work in multiplayer, though I haven't had the time to test it thoroughly.
Currently there are 5 tilesets, each with a couple environment variations. Examples of random maps:
Another major feature is the introduction of rare items and epic weapons. They have color-coded icons
You can even upgrade common items to rares with a new reagent:
Weapons can now give bonus levels to a spell. This is added to the rune's spell level. This means that a spell level can go above 5.
These weapons only drop from "Legendary" weapon crates. These crates are found in Treasure Hunt mode, or dropped by bosses at the end of an act (Kraul, Prince, Avatar)
The Hat Block is a new Reagent exclusive to the Treasure Hunt mode. It's basically transmog for hats. Please note that the implementation of this feature mixed up your current hat fashions.
New enemy types: Siren, Pirate Siegebreaker, Corsair Strongman, Corsair Grenadier
Loaded Dice, Gambling Dice and Sobering Syrup are no longer dropping from Reagent pickups. They have their own pickup type.
The Pit of Souls zone has been extended (map has been doubled in size)
The Inn zone has been extended, a new npc text has been added
New ship type, the Galleon. Will have more uses in the future.
Npc speech can now be gender-specific
Aunt Rebecca now has a hat and her own unit type
Added stamina regeneration item stat to Shirts, leg armor and bottles
Implemented inherent stat bonuses for body armor, boots and peg legs. This means some stat bonuses are no longer random, but guaranteed by item level
Small adjustment to Barge ship model
Shark Cannoneer attack damage has been buffed
"Magazine" weapon stat renamed was to "Reload" to avoid confusion with ammo capacity
Egg minion names are now included in the item name instead of the description
Quantity of a consumable no longer has its own line in the item description
Fixed: Speed penalty while drinking was totally broken, Gourd was useless
Fixed: reagent use could not be cancelled. Now right click cancels it
Fixed: Bullet Slowing alias text was not removed from Instant Reload tooltip
Fixed: the last update broke hero water footprints
Fixed: Sellsword was dropping too much loot
Fixed: lava boulders had a chance to stop
Fixed: client could not use teleport circles in multiplayer
Fixed: multiplayer was overwriting the client's character on level change
Fixed: joining a server that was previously abandoned by clients broke unit data sharing
Fixed: client gender is no longer changed to male in multiplayer
Fixed: More key names are displayed properly in Key Bindings menu
Fixed: some attachment actors would disappear when parent was removed
Editor: Rock HSL icon now displays rock terrain texture
Editor: Added new palm tree variant, some new doodads
That is all for today. As always, major changes can lead to major bugs, so feel free to leave feedback on the forum or on the Discord server. It can be a life saver!
Also, Realms Deep 2022 is coming up on the 15th, and my upcoming game, Delilah will have a presentation. Make sure to tune in!
Until then, I wish you smooth sailing!
Changed files in this update