Discord server
Our cozy and welcoming corner for a community, when we discuss GwenBlade^^
link: https://discord.gg/pxR5bne9
Story and lore
The previous story line was scraped out and a new one was made.
Right now there is a first prologue and the first mission without an ending. I have a lot of plans and would add and ending and other cutscenes to deliver more information about the awesome world of GwenBlade.
Fully remade. Now abilities don't have a cooldown and manacost, instead each one has it's own unique bar and refill by inflicting damage and executing an enemy. Abilities are now having their own infusions for example:
Drill has a Needles, so every new tick of damage is higher.
Eye of the Storm has a Lightning, so every time it hits there is lightning jumping between enemies.
Also, they have their own basic damage.
Instead of taking RMB, Q, E or R inputs they laying on 1 2 3 4 buttons. You can choose where to put new skill when equipping it.
In future there would be an option to change abilities mapping at any given moment in the game, and also adding more information about every ability, and more abilities variety.
Execution and motivation bar
It's fully new mechanics.
Motivation it's like an armor. so if an enemy has 100% of motivation, then your damage, it's 50% lesser and if 0% then your damage is 50% higher. It's reflected under enemy's healthbar.
Also, if enemy has 5% motivation or less then you can execute him by dealing him 50% of damage plus 1000 damage aoe. It also replenishes your abilities faster and heals you a bit.
Lightning and Breaking
Slowing and Healing as infusions now deleted cause they were to cheesy.
Lightning is jumping throw enemies and dealing damage.
Breaking decreases enemy's motivation
More Infusions in future
New top-down camera
Now in top-down mode (which is applied to specific levels) you can rotate camera in 2 axes, and levels were adapted by deleting background Building (camera used to clip in them)
Now there is now Sidescroller camera, but the new top down camera could use in this perspective too.
Block and parry system
Now it's on Q-input. By holding Q you're blocking incoming damage and using your motivation for that. But if you time it right (0.2 seconds before taking damage) then Jane would make powerful explosion by parrying incoming attacks!
Also try pressing Q with projectiles near you - it would launch back at enemy^^~
Now by pressing RMB - you shoot a note. Notes are dropping upon death of every enemy.
Overall, there were a couple changes in rendering setting and shaders to make more slick and catchy look of aquaric comic.
Changed files in this update