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Spells & Secrets update for 12 September 2022

Survey issues and news from Kickstarter

Share · View all patches · Build 9499439 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hi, my magical family,
we are back from Gamescom and full of energy after meeting so many awesome backers and fans of Spells & Secrets!
It was incredible to finally be back live and in person at Gamescom after 2 years, over 30k Wishlist, new friends made, old ones reunited and an IGN feature behind us, you can imagine what the time was like.

Current Status

87% of you have already answered the survey that was sent out before the Gamescom, please check your spam folders and make sure which mail address you have entered! a reminder will be sent out automatically in the next 2 weeks!

For those who have not received the survey, please check your mail address and all folders, if you still have not received anything after the reminder we have to do detective work and try to find out what could be the reason! We know some of you have this issue and we will try to find a solution! When you already filled out the survey, don´t do it twice, please! EVERYONE will get automatically the reminder, this doesn´t mean your survey is missing!

For all Questions, please check out our previous update which has been posted before Gamescom! If you can´t find an answer there, just contact us!

Character Editor

I guess you can't wait to finally create your own NPC for us, can you? The backers with this reward will soon get their money's worth! At the moment we are working on this part of “create your own NPC student character” so that you can create, extract and send us your NPC as promised. How this exactly will work and when you get to try it out, you will find out in the next update!

More games to love


Lou´s Lagoon

A cozy open-world adventure about running a seaplane delivery service. Customize your character, discover new islands, harvest goods, solve a family mystery, and work to keep an adorable island community afloat.

Since it’s not actually in the ‘Talespin’ universe, we had to make some changes, the main one being that our protagonist is a human rather than a giant bear (there are plenty of animal friends in the game though). As well as seaplane piloting, we also mixed in some ‘life sim’ elements from games like My Time at Portia.

Now let's be honest, is it just me that has a certain jingle in my ear now?

Brave enough to explore the area?

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