• Fixed bug 454 - Object physic problem.
• Fixed bug 296 - Tablet Clips through Floor?
• Fixed bug 356 - Dropping objects fall through the floor.
• Fixed bug 363 - Main/Pause Menu Bugs
• Hint text for chairs will now say "Press F To Sit".
• Fixed bug 380 - Spinning really fast and then ragdolling makes you a weapon
• Fixed bug 357 - Sitting down while running, results in your character still walking/running while sitting.
• Turned off motion blur because it's universally hated.
• Fixed the first person camera so you can no longer spin around and look at your own neck hole. It was quite disturbing.
• Fixed the chair "exit point" rotating with the chair, so you will now always exit the chair in the proper place, regardless of rotation.
• Fixed bug 416 - Multiple players can sit in a chair. Chairs will now say "Occupied" when a player is sat in them.
• Removed the Patreon link from the Main/Pause menus.
• Fixed bug 388 - Turning while sitting can result in you rotating around the chair.
• Fixed the chairs not seating players properly in multiplayer.
• Fixed bug 440 - Can't sit in conference room seats. The chairs in the conference room can now be sat in.
• Fixed bug 456 - The text labels on the holo-display zoom off down the corridor when at warp.
Starship Simulator Playtest update for 12 September 2022
Build 0.220.10 Patch Notes
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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