Magical Mortimer is live, and this version sees changes to the goals system and fixes to Skeet's death events... and those are both things discovered during testing that I decided to shoehorn into the release... maybe not the best development practice, but both of these issues seemed too critical to delay. In addition, I realized that some levels included in previous builds never got a proper developer testing before release (probably time related, but such is the life of a solo-dev). Anyway, changes have been made, and these levels should play better now.
That said, I will be continuing to tweak/improve levels leading up to release, so no grid should be considered done at this stage.
Without further ado, here is the complete list of changes:
- AI Core functionality partially added. This will be fleshed out in subsequent builds.
- 0.4.0 phase levels have been added and should be fully playable! That said, the story content is largely absent. (Note that the 0.4.0 song will be added to the OST package in-due-course.)
- Eliminated nullpointer exception that was locking up the game during some Skeet death scenarios.
- Goal system refactor! Testing shows this to be quite stable, but I am concerned that I might have missed a level when migrating to the updated system, so I will continue testing.
- Core indicator should now properly clear when starting a new game (thus, purging the savefile). It occurs to me now that I never properly tested this before release.
Changed files in this update