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ゆうしゃvsドラゴン update for 11 September 2022

Game update notice

Share · View all patches · Build 9492900 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:14:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It was raised as a problem that the probability of rare items appearing in the private house gacha is low.
Increased the probability of getting rare items from the house gacha!

The reason for the rise is that it is difficult to complete because it can only be pulled over time,
This is because we judged that the impact on the game balance would be minimal as it does not have such a strong effect.

We've also added an achievement for maximum damage per hit!
As a calculation of the maximum damage of a single blow, the damage increased by the enemy, such as 5x damage to the boss, is
It is not included in the calculation and refers to pure attack power.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1814461
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