There seems to be a lot of I-26s coming in thanks to the recent BIC, so I'll just update the balance one last time.
Game Balance
- Stage - Gate Crasher, Laughter, Meeting, Soul Twins ends quickly
- Stage - Laughter's difficulty downgraded to LOW
- Stage - Laughter : Deleted Entity "Dream Of Can"
- "Night Fog" - deleted battery system (you can use flashlight forever)
- "Coexistence - Charles" - comes more slowly
- Stage - Gate Crasher : Deleted Entity "Twisted Love"
- "Night Song" - orgol ends quickly
- Stage - Encroachment : Deleted Entity "Happy Machine"
- Stage - Bad Omen ends quickly
- Stage - Meeting: Deleted Entity "Black Moon"
- Assist Mode : "Invisible Pain" - deletes special event
- I-26's cloth color changed slightly
- Mainmenu animation tweaked
- Opening animation tweaked
- Press F key at the Entities Dictionary..
Changed files in this update