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Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades update for 10 September 2022

Update 105-e1 is Now Live On The Experimental Branch!

Share · View all patches · Build 9488485 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Howdy folks!

I know it's been QUITE A WHILE, but we finally have a public build for y'all to play. We've got a couple things to cover here so lets dive right in! First off, we've had to cut Update 105 in half, as it quickly grew to the point where so many changes were happening that it going to become a mess to test all at once. Moreover, we have a bit of a rough August, and a bunch of things we wanted to get to playable slipped, and we didn't want to leave you all waiting a month to play with new toys, so we've triaged things a bit to make this build. Here's a summary of what's in it!

For those of you following the development of Gameplanner, we have a first, super narrow test of some of the systems for it, namely the Toolbox and a rack of the new Pistools. These can we found EXCLUSIVELY in a new scene, called GP_Hangar. An IMPORTANT NOTE: Saving / Loading is 100% disabled in this current build. We're in the middle of some serialization rewrites and we don't want folk generating broken data, so we've turn those systems off entirely. They will return in the next build.

While hanging out in GP_Hanger, you'll also note we've setup a little IPSC style course to show off a new prop set that's in the game; a Competition Barrier set. One of the things we want to enable with Gameplanner is folks building structured scored challenges, so we have a bunch of prop back, an scoring doohikies planned for the future to support that.

While working on the Saving/Loading Systems for the game, the critical core of Gameplanner, we've taken a bunch of time to finally get to some long requested functionality for the firearm systems, namely the ability to guns to have multiple magazines, attachable weapons with magazines, and even a Gun Case that can close and save its contents until you open it again. Update 105 is in large part about testing all of these changes and making sure they're all working 100% as intended before we open the flood gates of custom scenario sharing.

And of course it wouldn't be a big H3 update without a bunch more GUNS. A dozen in all, including 2 new attachable ones for field testing new systems for attachable firearms with internal and external magazines. This code still needs a whole bunch of spit n polish but we're excited to see what it enables, both for our internal development, and the wild stuff I'm sure the modder folk will make too.

Well that's it for the summary. There's a whole bunch more things worth checking out, so do make sure to give the changlog below (or past devlogs a watch) if you're curious. Remember, THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILD, which means there are significant code changes that WILL break certain mods. Unless you are a mod author working to build compatibility for U105, it is STRONGLY recommended that you launch this branch in Vanilla mode only.


  • Right click H3 in Steam
  • Go to Properties
  • Click Betas
  • Click The Dropdown
  • Select Experimental!

Full Changelog - Update 105 - Experimental 1

Major WIP Previews:
  • Toolbox with Base Pistool Set (available in GP_Hangar scene)
  • Unified Locomotion Backend work (nothing SHOULD be different, aside from no longer falling through walls easily). Note all Locomotion centric mods had been broken by these changes and must be updated.
  • More Complex Attachable Weapons that support magazines and muzzle devices
  • Added New Firearm: HS10 (12 gauge)
  • Added New Firearm: M1907 Roth (8mm Roth)
  • Added New Firearm: Cobb Pistol (.32 acp)
  • Added New Firearm: Sharps Pepperbox Derringer (.22 Short)
  • Added New Firearm: S9R Derringer (.32 ACP)
  • Added New Firearm: Model 6 Derringer (.357 Magnum)
  • Added New Firearm: Model 6 XL Derringer (.45-70 Govt.)
  • Added New Firearm: Asp Pistol (9x19mm)
  • Added New Firearm: Blondie Derringer (.22lr)
  • Added New Firearm: HS22 Derringer (.22 WMR)
  • Added New Firearm: M1951 (9x19mm)
  • Added New Attachable Firearm: M870 Picatinny (12 gauge)
  • Added New Attachable Firearm: KWG Picatinny (12 gauge)
  • Added New Ammo Types: .22 Short and .22 Long
  • Added New Magazine: Vector-45 40rnd Drum (.45 ACP)
  • Added New Speedloader: 12gauge 5-shot
  • Added New Attachment: Rail Adapter Flat Extender Short
  • Added New Prop Set: Competition Barriers (Low, Med, Med Window, Narrow, Narrow Window, Wide, Wide Window, Board 2, 4, 8 foot, Nine Hold Barriers, Blue Barrels)
  • Added New Prop Set: Destructible Wood Crates (Big Ply, Cubic, Framed Plywood, Solid Boards Long)
  • Added New Destructible Prop Set: Glass Bottles (Amphetamade, Gutshot, Sugar)
  • Added New Static Target Set: Blue/Red versions of IPSC standing steel
  • Added New Ammo Type: .69cal CashMoney (for future Gameplanner stuff, not fully implemented yet)
  • Added New Utility Item: Wallet (for .69 cal cash money)
  • Added New Utility Item Set: Gun Case Saveable Large/Small (experimental)
  • Added New Locomotion Tool: HandCopter
  • Added Functionality to Attachable Weapons system that supports weapons with magazines (integrated and removable), muzzle devices, and a host of other little things
  • Added Functionality to Base firearm classes to accommodate secondary magazine slots (though specific implementation/usage of these slots is up to a firearm derived class to do something with (which currently non of them do, though this will change in the future)
  • Rebuilt Smooth Locomotion Kernels to unify their flow, fix bugs, and allow for future stuff.
  • Rebuilt Banger System to be saveable, spawnlockable
  • Arizona Targets scene is in process of being cleaned up. Arizona at Night will be modified to match when this is done.
  • Banger Detonators are no longer paired to Whizzbangadinger and function independantly
  • Retuned Interaction volume size and placement on Vector45 and Vector45 carbine to make fore grabbing more reliable and just generally improve UX.
  • DP-28 Drum magazine top now spins as ammo count changes
  • .22LR ballistics relative to barrel length adjusted
  • .22WMR and .22LR models swapped
  • Ladies Home Companion rechambered into its correct cartridge (.22 Short)
  • Tweaked Sound Profile on Model 95 Derringer
  • DP-28 Pan magazine top now correctly rotates as ammo is removed from it, and its sling ring jiggles
  • Rebuilt muzzle effects for all suppressed Sosigguns
  • Rebuilt sound for all suppressed Sosigguns
  • Sosigguns that would logically require a 2nd hand to cycle (pumps, bolts, etc.) must be held by their fore to cycle
  • Replaced Tec9 model with a more accurate one
  • Rebuilt Tec9 SuperDuperIllegalMod model to be accurate dimensions
  • Rebuilt chambering setup on all Bolt Action weapons so that round being chambered moves 1:1 with bolt face
  • Derringer animation reworked to be smoother, and includes ejector movement now
  • Flaregun script class adjusted to have open/shut animation easing similar to derringer class
  • Rangefinder how uses maximum filtering when holding by default
  • Scout Rifle now has functional second magazine slot
  • Fixed mesh game in M397 40x46mm grenade
  • Fixed vertical alignment issues pervasive in picatinny rail adapters
  • Deleted leftover debug sphere from Lee Enfield No 4
  • Fixed missing sight baseplate on American90
  • Fixed flashlight muzzle smoke interaction to prevent glow blowout
  • Fixed missing grab and drop sounds from all Sosigguns
  • Fixed ejection direction on rio bigbore tactical
  • Fixed incorrect geo hierarchy on Hunter 44
  • Fixed Tank Gewehr chambering behavior
  • Fixed Muzzle effects on Scout rifle
  • Fixed broken recoil on attachable weapons

Changed depots in evencoolerbranchforultrachads branch

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64-bit Base Content Depot 450541
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