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ALAN-13 Reformation update for 9 September 2022

QoL patch 1.9.035

Share · View all patches · Build 9485598 · Last edited 9 September 2022 – 16:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Once again we have listened to your feedback, and implemented many of your suggestions!
Thanks again to everyone who recognizes their contributions on this list!

Gameplay Improvements:

  • A retry button has been added to the mission end screen, so you don't have to go the menu and start the level again, when you want to improve your score.
  • On the mission end screen, if you hover your mouse over the cogs, a tooltip will pop up showing their requirements.
  • We have added memory components (besides their peripheral counterparts) to many levels, which allows you to directly assign values to memory instances.
  • Level 14 has been redesigned, now it should be more clear how the watchtowers work.
  • The interruptor component has been completely redesigned, now you can filter for renamed components only, so you don't have to cycle through all components to find what you need.
  • A tutorial has been added to Level 8, new players should have an easier time now finding and using the peripheral panel on the right.
  • If a component option appears red, because something is missing, now a tooltip will pop up to provide more details.
  • You can now connect the charger component directly to the rotator without needing additional wires.
  • You can only assign a storage peripheral (memory/memory array) to the result part of the calculator (leftmost selector) from now, as it makes no sense to leave it on an integer. 

Bug fixes:

  • The interruptor will now longer retarget away from it's previously assigned component, when you delete another interruptor (or any other unintended cases).
  • The router, calculator, repeater components will no longer change their options when a new peripheral is added.
  • When ALAN gets smooshed by a barrier, the circuit panel will properly reset, and you can use the play button as usual.
  • While editing component names, the add component hotkeys have been disabled.
  • The animation speeds of NPCs have been properly adjusted to the speed of solution execution.- You can now see your scores on the last level, before the credits roll.
  • Fixed some graphical glitches.
  • Fixed various other minor bugs.

We are working on a substantial content update, which should come out in the next few weeks, so stay tuned, and don't hesitate to contact us in any shape or form if you encounter issues during your gameplay!

We also added a button to the main menu, which directly redirects you to our discord channel. Please join our community and share your thoughts and suggestion!


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