Hey there, fellow Ylanders!
One of the things you've been asking for on forums is a way to send gifts to your friends. Maybe you have coyns you have no use for or you simply want to make your friend happy (because one needs no reason to make friends happy, right? 😊 ). Most of the time, you asked about gifting the Exploration Pack so that your friends can play with you.
Even though we're making some changes for Update 1.11 so that those without the Exploration Pack will get more kick out of the game (more about that later), the Exploration Pack will always be the core, the most interesting game functionality.
So whether you'd like to have your friend join you on an expedition across the vast arctic plains or help you build a nice house in the taiga, we got you covered, because starting with 1.11 you will be able to buy your friends the Exploration Pack with coyns.
But there's more! Actually, you will be able to gift anyone most of the things available in the shop. Remember - nothing says "I bought you a cool flying pig" better than buying someone a cool flying pig!
The next update will bring more than this suggestion to life, but we'll talk about the rest some other time. Until then - Stay classy!
Changed depots in cb_unup branch