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Glider Sim update for 9 September 2022

Update 1.7.0_EarlyAccess: Terrain / Graphics Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9483315 · Last edited 9 September 2022 – 19:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Terrain is now extracted from higher resolution satellite data for more accurate detail.
-Terrain is now chunked into smaller sections allowing for a more robust terrain LOD system. -Very faraway terrain has now been replaced with pure satellite imagery.
-Upgrade to Unity 2021.
-Add Post Processing effects: Bloom, Color Grading and Temporal Antialiasing check boxes in graphics settings.
-Fix issue with Bloothtooth gamepad controllers not detecting input.
-Fix brake issue on gamepad controllers when pulling back on both and then applying left or right.
-Fix issue where you can’t complete challenge 3.
-Update multiplayer smoothing movement.
-VR controllers now disappear when grabbing the brake toggle.
-Now you can increase and decrease speedbar separately on VR controllers.
-Update brake physics to be more responsive.
-Smooth brake toggle animations when using gamepad / VR controller.
-Update weightshift physics - center of mass is now actually shifted in the body.
-Ability to do a barrel roll on speedwing using only weight shift.
-Add new launch point 8 and new runs open on the North side of the mountain.
-Add a couple new scenery 3D models.
-Fix issue where the Eagle were not soaring or coring thermals.

Windows 64-bitEnglish Glider Sim Content Depot 1422941
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