0.94 is another stability update where a lot of bugs has been fixed. The main features are updates to the Mercury physics model (ascent, guidance) and retrofire engines, some Mercury interior fixes and updates, in addition to some huge updates to the Lunar Module inertial platform and the Lunar Guidance Computer.
Mercury Physics Update
The physics model of ascent, deorbit and entry in Project Mercury has received an overhaul, and it is finally possible to fly similar missions to what was flown in real life. Launching into orbit, with retrofire scheduled after about 4 hours and 30 minutes, just like in Mercury-Atlas 6 (Glenn), will make you splash down in a similar location to real life.
Mercury Cockpit Window
One of the features is the addition of panels or doors that can shut the Window in Mercury. It consists of three doors that can be adjusted by clicking on them, just like any other selector/knob.
Mercury Cockpit Interior
The model of the Mercury fuses has been updated to better reflect how they looked in real life, and the UV mapping issue has been fixed. Additional cockpit props has been added and the attitude gauge needles has been colored. This makes it easier to see what's pitch, yaw and roll on the attitude rate needles as they match the coloring of the axis.
Lunar Module Inertial Platform updates
The inertial platform in the Lunar Module is updated to behave more realistically. It is used to improve the methods that uses the REFSMMAT to execute other tasks such as alignment and burns.
Lunar Guidance Computer: P30 & P40
Requesting burns using the Burn Planner will insert a planned burn into the LGC (if you use it when the Lunar Module is the active space craft). The data and logic has been overhauled to be more predictable, with better default values for attitude. A new button is added to the burn planner that lets you request the REFSMMAT before the burn is requested. This allows you to align the IMU using P52. If you then request the burn, the default attitude values should make more sense (this is only needed if you want to torque your gyros ahead of a burn).
The old procedures still works, but it required you to be in control of the attitude to set in V49 (usually all zeros).
Lunar Guidance Computer: P52 opt. 1 and opt. 2
The updates to the REFSMMAT lets P52 opt.1 behave more predictable, and can be used to orient the spacecraft with the burn direction. Requesting burns using the DPS will for example give you the option to align the S/C so that the DPS engine faces prograde/retrograde (90 degrees / 270 degrees pitch). It should now be simpler to execute a DOI burn using the Lunar Module instead of the Command Module, like they did in Apollo 11.
P52 opt. 2 will let you align the platform with the local vertical at a specific mission time.
Inverted Mission Transcript
I have also reverted the Mission Transcript to make it easier to see the last message received.
Links to Space Flight Academy videos
Going forward I will be focusing on creating videos that will teach you and show you the key procedures for each space craft. I link to these has been added to the Academy.
A brief overview of 0.94 can be seen here:
Please see the list below for a full list:
- Mercury Physics update for more realistic atmosphere (ascent, entry)
- Slight Mercury Cockpit updates: New fuses and cabin props, adjustable window shields
- LM REFSMMAT updates to better support DPS burns
- LGC P30 and P40 updates. When requesting a burn, note the burn attitude offset of about 90 degrees on attitude
- Added support for LGC P52 opt. 2
- Reverted the Mission Transcript so last message is on top
- Some additional tuning on the CM ECS and Gemini ECS
- Fixed: OBC Catch-up rounding issue, so numbers match with comms
- Fixed: Added the missing highlighter support for 3 circuit breakers in the Command Module
- Fixed: Inverted LM x-pointer scale control
- Fixed: SPS exhaust visible when fuel is depleted
- Fixed: SPS fuel depletion logic
- Fixed: PAD toggle should now care about UI work, preventing to open them when typing in a text field etc.
- Fixed: dV THRUST A/B labels
- Fixed: G-trace line disappears when setting EMS to off
- Fixed: G-trace graph renderer rendered it outside the EMD display area. It's a graph but the TSS scaling changed the size of it
- Fixed: CM/SM jets temperature sensor offscale
- Fixed: Gemini navigation lesson asks to set the FDI selector to the wrong position
- Fixed multiple typos and issues in checklists
- Fixed multiple typos in language files
- Fixed multiple typos in missions
- Fixed: Inverted the Gemini lift vector. Heads up -> Lift down, as with the Command Module is correct
- Fixed: Gemini Event Timer sign issue
- Fixed: Gemini CO2 gauge limit to prevent negative readout
- Fixed: Agena RCS visibility
- Fixed: Agena engine SFX
- Fixed: Blank PAD visibility in Apollo
- Fixed: Mercury Stable Orbit should work again now (had a slight roll before)
- Fixed: Gemini Abort Handle (part of it was baked into a static mesh, preventing animation)
- Fixed: Flickering Gemini Attitude Indicator during startup routines
- Fixed: Gemini Rendezvous orbit prediction showed a circular orbit, it should be an elliptical orbit. Wrong lookup data was used
A special shoutout to all the alpha-floor testers, those who report issues and provide feedback, and to the Test Pilots. Thank you all for helping me creating a better game for all of us.
// Petri W.
Changed files in this update