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Disinfection update for 9 September 2022

Alpha version 0.06 Release - Events & Threats

Share · View all patches · Build 9483166 · Last edited 9 September 2022 – 15:09:26 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Alpha version 0.06 is now released. This concludes the 'Random Events & Threats' stage of development as these features of the game are almost entirely complete. There will still be some minor Events & Threats related things in the coming patch(es) but the basis is all there.

The infection can have various effects on the environment, causing all sorts of mishaps and dangers. Devices malfunction and may cause fires, lights flicker, zero gravity, the infection grows dangerous creatures and strange visions may plague you. You may stumble upon voice-logs left behind by the crew too.

This update has the following additions and changes:
Bugfixes & Polish:

  • Fixes for Event related crashes.
  • Possible fix for mission loading freeze/crash.
  • Fixed rare random EMP bomb crash.
  • Limited resolution to 1080p when starting the game for the first time, to prevent incorrect resolutions being set making it impossible to access the options menu.
  • Fixed inconsistent temperatures in ship system rooms.
  • Improved how temperatures balance and bleed between areas of the ship.
  • Fixed suit integrity still going down in infected areas, after killing the infection.
  • Level generator fixes and polish.
  • Fixed Flamethrower not raising the environment temperature properly.
  • Fixed Chiller not lowering the environment temperature properly.
  • Added more variation and polish to the tertiary decorations.
  • Updated the Life Support sounds.
  • Life Support now gives an alert when it is turned off by a player.
  • Other player’s footsteps are now properly audible.
  • Other player’s footsteps now have lower volume and dynamic sound.
  • Polished the player face texture so it doesn’t look like the surface of the moon anymore :)
  • Damage caused by fire and EMP blasts will now also affect ship health and thus mission scoring.
  • Events are more frequent on high difficulties.
  • The infection monster is deadlier when more players are in a team.
  • Changed “voice volume” to “game voices volume” to prevent confusion with voice chat.
  • Added ‘refresh’ button to team join menu.

Tutorial Rework:
The voice acting in the Tutorial, though immersive, isn’t working for a lot of you. Many of you found it too slow and/or too much of an info-dump. So we have changed the Tutorial to use in-game screens with text instead. This will allow all players to go through the Tutorial at their own pacing and means you will be able to re-read things if you missed something. The new Tutorial will also allow players to practice with all of the Weapons and all of the Tools on a 'Dummy', besides the training mission which has had some polish and minor changes.

New Player Animations:

  • New animation for dragging open doors.
  • New animation for ‘Hands’ event.

New Random Events & Threats:
New Random Threats:

  • (minor) Explosions caused by the ship malfunctioning, these can cause oxygen leaks in the ship.
  • Fire, from the explosions or misuse of the Flamethrower, can spread through the ship. You may get lucky and find a fire extinguisher on the ship to put out the fire.

New Random Events:

  • Many hands will grow out of the ship, surrounding, grabbing and holding players in place for a short while.
  • You may witness strange apparitions which haunt you and your teammates.

New Infection Types:
2 new infection types, to diversify the evidence more and to make the evidence less predictable whilst also giving all the Tools more varied usage. These infection types are still basic in behavior and abilities and will be further improved on in future updates.

  • Medical Infection
  • Hull Infection

New Decoration:

  • Medium cabin
  • Large cabin

New Voice Logs:
12 new crew Voice Logs have been added. Reset your Voice Logs in the settings to hear all of them, as the order has changed as well. Keep an eye out for those green cassette recorders during missions.

We are going to do some community streams and an Q&A this weekend, so hop into the Discord to join in:
Check our public Trello for what's going to be in the future updates:

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