- Add nursery TURBOCHARGE option. If you turn TURBOCHARGE on in the nursery, it will dramatically increase the growth rate of eggs, juveniles and pregnancies.*
- Add nursery-specific wandering behaviour
- Fix a minor nursery button overlap issue
- Fatigue will no longer drop rapidly when max fatigue is reduced due to bad temperatures
- Cause creatures to wake up and make one last desperate bid to find food if their food stores run out while asleep. (replaces the LayDownAndDie behaviour)
- Rename the “Metabolic Heat Production” gene to simply “Metabolism”
- Make Healing and Fatigue recovery scale with Metabolism
- Fix another crash caused by lack of audio hardware that I missed last time. (“The given key ‘WindInBroadleavedTrees’ was not present in the dictionary.”)
- Possibly fix the “Embryos should not be able to die” crash. But don’t hold me to that, I don’t have any way to test it.
*footnote: TURBOCHARGE is not recommended for Primum specium with anxiety, heart palpitations, neurotic yapping disorder or suicidal ideation. Immediately discontinue use if your potatoes exhibit early warning signs of sentience and/or begin mimicking human speech. If life signs persist after 4 hours, aim for the head.
Changed files in this update