This update brings a verilog exporter to the game. Verilog is an industry standard hardware description language. With your favorite architecture exported to verilog format, you can theoretically simulate it with other simulators, simulate it on an FPGA (basically circuit simulation hardware) and presumably even get it produced as a chip if you can afford it. However if you are excited to try this out but don't have experience with industry tools, be warned that they are far from as polished from an ease of use perspective, as games like this are. Things can be painful to set up sometimes.
In other news, here are some of the things that were added since last update:
- Added a "Ticks Per Second" counter
- Added UI scaling
- Improved multi select
- Enabled reordering of the left side IO list by drag and drop
- Added bidirectional pins and tri state pins to that IO list
- Deleted the Stack component, created a new version of the "Negative numbers" level and more small iterations like that.
- Also I fixed a ton of long standing bugs
At the moment I am working on improving the programming language that the levels of the game are defined in. Once its updated, players will be able to write and share their own levels / level packs (with full server verified scoring), which will be very exciting. This might take a while though and it is hard to predict exactly how long, since I want to try to do some things I don't have much experience with. I will post more when I figure it out.
Changed files in this update