Attention Republic soldiers,
I've released the Snipers & Bombs update! This is the first content update post-Reforged, being only a couple of weeks after the roadmap released. Very exciting stuff.
With all new content my hope is to enhance or add new strategies to the game or ways to play. With this update that meant adding sniping (which existed in Incursion Classic) back to the game with two snipers with different playstyles. The Grasshopper is a semi-automatic sniper with complete accuracy and The Bull is a slow firing heavy-hitting sniper with the ability to pierce through multiple enemies with every shot. The most versatile and unique of the new additions is the C7, a sticky explosive you can throw and remotely detonate. It's expensive to buy and expensive to refill ammo for, but in return you get on-demand explosives that do extreme damage. You can buy the C7 at the newly-online specials shop and the snipers at the heavy weapons shop.
Along with these new weapons are new achievements & some important changes and fixes, such as making turrets useful at close-range and fixing the "Waiting for players" bug in the tutorial. Read the full changelog below.
Full Changelog
- Added: Specials shop
- Added: Weapon "C7" (Available in the new Specials shop): A thrown sticky remote-detonated explosive
- Added: Weapon "Grasshopper" (Available in the Heavy Weapon shop): A semi-automatic sniper rifle
- Added: Weapon "The Bull" (Available in the Heavy Weapon shop): A slower-firing sniper rifle that can pierce through multiple enemies with every shot
- Added: Achievement "A Respectable Career": Have your total perk level be 50 or higher
- Added: Achievement "Mighty Defender": Have your total perk level be 70 or higher
- Changed: Individual Impact Grenade's now deal 100 damage, with consideration that 3 grenades are thrown with the ability & with current balancing this means the ability will no longer kill full-health enemies if all grenades hit them after wave 23. This change importantly makes the ability helpful rather than a get-out-of-jail free card late-game
- Changed: Shotguns now use a dynamic circle crosshair instead of the dynamic cross
- Changed: Turrets now attack targets that are very close to them
- Changed: Update impact grenade's visual to be more appropriate to explosive (old visual looked more like a smoke or flash grenade)
- Changed: Minor adjustments to the spawn rate of zombies for post-evac waves
- Fixed: Levels with no cutscene causing the "Waiting for players" screen to remain active (this was mainly a problem with the "How To Play" tutorial level)
- Fixed: Console Command "sv_setshopscanbeused" not performing a cheats check
Your Commanding Officer,
Blake Gillman
Changed files in this update