New Features
- Now it is possible to bind Blueprint Event Dispatchers through Lua!!! Meaning the communication from Blueprint -> Lua is now possible natively! Use Blueprint.BindBlueprintEventDispatcher().
- Now it is possible to call an event from Loading Screen JS to disable the main menu music: Events.Call("StopMenuMusic").
- Now Server.SetValue() has a new 3rd parameter to sync the value with the clients, accessible through Client.GetValue().
- Added new parameters to Canvas's Draw...() methods: blend_mode to control how the drawing occur.
- Added new methods to Canvas: DrawMaterialFromSceneCapture() and DrawMaterialFromWebUI().
- Added new method to World: SetStreamLevelVisibility().
- Added new parameter to World.LoadStreamLevel(): make_visible_after_load.
- Added new method to NanosUtils: IsEntityValid() (macro for entity and entity:IsValid()).
- HUGE performance boost when having thousands of entities spawned!
- Now Blueprints are returned on Client Traces as well.
- Now numbers passed from WebUI <-> Lua are 64 bits (doubles and integers).
- Now scripting events use 64 bits when transmitting numbers through network (doubles and integers).
- Updated CEF to version 105.
- Now Loading Screen uses CEF as well.
- Ultralight has been completely wiped out.
- Now Main Menu is limited to 120 (was 60) fps, and Loading Screen was increased to 60 (was 30).
- New Settings were added to control UI and Main Menu Music volume. Music volume is for scripting only now.
- Now materials used from SetMaterialFromWebUI/Canvas/SceneCapture() are shared between instances, improving memory usage.
- It is now possible to prevent Character from entering ragdoll when falling by setting HighFallingTime to -1, and prevent Ragdoll damage by setting SetFallDamageTaken to 0, they now work separately.
- Now Client Console will jump to end if it was already "anchored" to the end.
- Now Needs Update labels will appear on vault over Assets and Packages tabs.
- Now the New Game popup will load Additional Packages & Assets from local Config.toml and will display a label over it's tabs.
- Added a new button to Additiona Packages & Assets to Clear all selection.
- Added new SoundType enum value: SoundType.UI.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Client Console scroll "crazyness" and focus problems.
- Fixed New Game popup not loading the local server Config.toml properly.
- Fixed some Main Menu random crashes.
- Fixed CEF pages not having proper 'locale' loaded.
- Fixed Vault Update All button not working properly.
- Fixed "CONSOLE" being printed on client Console Tab instead of server (if typed on server).
- Fixed Crouching/Uncrouching resetting the Capsule sizes.
- Fixed Lua tables being serialized badly if it got gaps on it.
- Fixed server not sending logs to localhost client connected to it.
- Fixed Exported Functions returning a function when called from inside a coroutine (causing console errors).
- Fixed problem parsing Config.toml when having non UTF-8 characters, now they are stripped from it.
- Attempt to fix a CEF crash when destroying it.
- Attempt to fix Vault with "No Item found" message appearing over Vault items.
Changed depots in bleeding-edge branch