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Bounty of One update for 8 September 2022

Patch 0.8: A new arsenal!

Share · View all patches · Build 9479018 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The new update is here!

Hello fellow Outlaws,

First of all, thanks to all of you who've been following our adventure. Thank you for your constant support, we owe you the success of the game and we're not forgetting it any time soon!

As we mentionned in the Early Access release announcement, we took a bit more time for ourselves after the release and are now coming back to you with our first update which mainly focuses on adding items to your arsenal (see below for more info).

As a reminder, if you want to know more about our program regarding updates, we talked about the topic on the following announcement:

We didn't just work on adding items, however, but also focused on balancing some items that felt underwhelming. Bumpty, our dedicated dev also dedicated quite a bit of time on optimizing the game. It's not perfect yet but I believe we are moving in the right direction.

We also bring you a little surprise with a brand new menu, the previous one had become outdated. I hope you enjoy. The prices in the Black Market have been lowered due to popular demand :)

Finally, as there is no game release without bug and error fixes, we fixed as many issues as possible and we appreciate your efforts to always keep us up to date with any issues that may have escaped us.

One last thing, given the changes in items and balance, the ladder is reset with every update! Time to grind the score!

That's all for today, I'll leave you with the details of the update and we'll see you again on September 22!



New Items

  • Spring Bullets:Your projectiles bounce 2 more times. Projectiles that bounce now do so in the opposite direction.

  • Guidance System:You always target deputies when they are present, your damage and attack speed increases while they are alive and visible. (Max bonus: x2 after 20 seconds)

  • Surprise Attack:When you dash, you gain +100% critical strike chance for 1,5 seconds.

  • Corkscrew Bullets:When your projectiles should be destroyed, their damage is reduced by 50% and they pierce instead. (Max 2 times)

  • True Survivor:Gain 10% Attack Speed ​​every 120s. The timer is reset when you take damage. (Max +50% attack speed)

  • Proud Magnet:Attracts all the coins and chests around you each time you kill a deputy.

  • Taunt:Enemies near you are 30% faster but take 50% more damage.

  • Thunder Dance:Each time you move 2 meters, a bolt of lightning strikes a random enemy and deals damage in a small area of ​​effect.

Gameplay and quality of life

  • Black Market prices have been lowered
  • Redesigned the main menu and character selection menu. Starting weapons for each hero are now described in the character selection menu.
  • Added a boss life adjustment system based on player level
  • Bags of coins: when there are too many coins in one place, they merge into a bag of coins
  • Critical chance upgrades no longer appear when you have reached 100% critical chance
  • Critical hit chance percentage can no longer exceed 100%
  • Targeted enemy now has a red circle at its feet
  • The attack speed indicator is now more accurate in the in-game character stats overview
  • When a player is having difficulty killing enemies or leveling up, two circumstantial items can now be left behind by an enemy:
  • Mega-net: A magnet that attracts all the coins and chests you left on the ground.
  • Bottled Lightning: A bolt of lightning that strikes and kills all enemies visible on the screen
  • If a gamesave corruption occurs, the latest gamesave will automatically be loaded.


  • Nigel - Size of basic area effects: 100% -> 110%
  • Roger - Base Life: 2 -> 1
  • Roger - Base Critical Hit Chance: 10% -> 5%
  • Mighty Mezcal Staff - Cooldown: 10 sec -> 8 sec
  • Hawk Eye - Critical Hit Chance Bonus: +100% -> +60%
  • Hawk Eye - Damage reduction: Damage divided by 3 -> damage divided by 2
  • Steam Boots - Dash recovery time increase: +5 sec -> +0 sec
  • Onion - Damage: 20% -> 25%
  • Parting Gift - Dynamite Explosion Delay: 3sec -> 2sec
  • Adrenaline - The less health you have left, the faster you attack -> You do 50% more damage and your ability and dash cooldowns are reduced by 20% when you have LESS than 50% of your life.
  • Rare area effects size upgrade: +15% -> +20%
  • Epic area effects size upgrade: +25% -> +30%
  • Epic cooldown reduction upgrade: -15% -> -20%


  • General Game Optimization (WIP)
  • Day and night cycle indicators now move after first Sheriff fight
  • Corrections of various typos
  • Fixed an issue where Gold Nugget refunds were not working in the Black Market
  • Fixed an issue where Crazy Denzel could be moved
  • Fixed an issue where projectiles were sometimes fired from outside the character
  • Fixed various minor bugs

Visual improvements

  • Updated menu visual
  • Updated timeline indicator visual
  • Chests and circumstantial items now have a shining effect
Windows Depot 1968731
  • Loading history…
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