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Kitten Burst update for 8 September 2022

Kitten Burst v1.03 - Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9477433 · Last edited 8 September 2022 – 14:59:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Kitten Burst v1.03 - Patch Notes

Added rocks to nullspace to help with sand readability
Slightly higher LOD range on nullspace landscape to prevent visual clipping into the ground in some places.
Added blush to the rainbow pastry "hat" (it does something else too btw!)


  • Your boost no longer gets reset when you crash
  • Hitbox for checkpoints increased to be way more generous
  • Reworked the circuit "Bigfan"
  • Rebalanced Ion rewards for circuits. Buffed "Throughput" & "Bigfan". Nerfed "Dunesurfer"

Bug Fixes
-Softlock: If you complete a race and then save and exit the game, without exiting the race first you get softlocked
-You can now no longer save, or save and quit in races, you have to exit the race first
-Races now only save on exit

-Softlock: exiting the game during certain dialogue/cutscene sequence can softlock the game
-You can now no longer save, or save and quit during dialogue or cutscenes.

-Sequence Break: Exiting nullspace before going to the hub the first time, jumps you forward to after the hub intro sequence.

-Patched missing s4br dialogue (after the intro, before the Ban Hammer cutscene)
-Fixed quick restart messing with the race countdown
-Fixed "Cinematic mode" Achievement not triggering in Main Menu
-Fixed begin able to liquid boost out of the pause menu in boss fights
-Fixed the upgrade menu allowing you to level stats more than possible
-Fixed the unpause button being stuck at the start of boss fights
-Fixed returning from the customize menu causing the pause menu to be unresponsive for a short while
-App name now says "Kitten Burst" and not "Kitten Burst Demo"
-Patched a possible sequence break when you first visit the hub

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