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梦江湖 update for 8 September 2022

September 8th version Update Notes (Beta)

Share · View all patches · Build 9476236 · Last edited 8 September 2022 – 12:13:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

[B][H3] September 8th version Update Notes (Beta) [/ H3][/ B]

  1. The official opening of difficulty 5 will be a very challenging existence! (Envisaged) Attention! The first injection of the evil line play shot!
    Every battle of A Cult Line is extremely difficult. Be prepared to go again
  2. If you choose the evil line, all your decent teammates will leave, and yes, the equipment you gave them will be taken away, so what to leave and what to keep, who to fight and who to ignore, please make a choice
    ③ After joining the church, the invitation function cannot be performed properly. Items that summon teammates will also no longer work
    Four evil line has exclusive teammates, through the plot to join the team
  • Wu is now available on difficulty 5. The difficulty 4 value in the beta has been scaled back
    ⑥ Difficulty 5 will have many growth advantages, including, but not limited to, faster experience gain. Some opening achievements will be improved on Difficulty 5
  1. Adjustment of Namgong School: shorten the time required for each training session.

  2. Adjustment of the Five Poisons Teaching Skills:
    A repair is Yuan Qifeng refining "five poisons secret medicine" did not normally spawn the problem of low quality materials. Also fixed an issue with unusual material requirements. Icebergs are no longer needed at the drop of a hand
    Downregulate the number of Dan medicine and snake bile needed for the breakthrough of the body cultivation of ten thousand poisons

  3. Expand the production path of Life extension Golden Elixel: Long Life Gate can be synthesized (but limited), Mysterious Merchant (spawn probability)

  4. Fixed the problem that some exclusive martial arts that did not reach level 20 could not perform enlightenment properly during Guanyin image enlightenment

  5. "Legend of the Sword and the Devil" has been enhanced in epic level

  6. Correct the problem of apprentice inheritance error, if there is still a problem, please feedback in the group

  7. Fix the Five poisons mission "Prince of the sword seal" lead to orphan teacher too missing problem

Changed depots in steam_versions_test branch

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Windows 64-bit Depot 1471181
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