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Entodrive update for 7 September 2022

Entodrive Community Update #4

Share · View all patches · Build 9469996 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:31:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

What I've Been Working On :

+Did a level rework for Kojo City
+Added a Marina to Kojo City
+Removed some buildings and shuffled objects around in Kojo
+Replaced old unoptimized geometry in Kojo with more optimized terrain
+Updated the battle background for Kojo
+New seasonal event "Conflict at the Marina" in Kojo every September starting now
+New Achievement for partaking in the event
+Rebattle crews from Alder Village as they travel to Kojo by boat
+Win rare items
+Event can be played infinite times through September
+In October the Pumpkin Harvest Event returns!
+In October head to Magic town for a chance to catch multiple starters
+Fixed bug where left and right on the dpad would stop working in some scenes

Note from Dev :

Apologies on the delay for this community update. I had a lot of personal stuff come up that I dont have go into. I will be removing the next update by date for Entodrive. I'm learning a lot about balance and being kind to myself this year after releasing 3 games on my own. Most of my attention going forward will be towards future projects like Spryward, but dont be surprised if you see some Entodrive updates sprinkled out through Spryward's early access. I do have a fun Entodrive related project in the works. Be sure to follow the other games in the Apastron universe for a continuation of the story and hints for the future of Entodrive. My family is getting a Steam Deck this week, so I'll be able to work on specific Entodrive improvements/optimizations for it. Thanks for reading/playing! I hope to update you with some more Entodrive news soon.

Linux 64-bit Entodrive LINUX Depot Depot 1520712
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Windows Entodrive Windows Depot Depot 1520713
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