Hey everyone, we’re very glad to announce the release of a brand new mission for Nimbus INFINITY.
Today is a very special day. This is the first full mission release since we entered Early Access. Mission 7 -– “Revelation” is out now! You’re going back to Earth and you’re going to fly VERY fast.
There is a lot of laser weaponry in this mission. While evading all those laser cannons shooting at you, you have to eliminate targets as fast as you can or else thousands of innocent lives will be lost.
You’re also going to engage a new model of prototype unmanned fighter. Unlike drones you have fought before, these drones are very fast and armed to the teeth with laser cannons.
So suit up and go save the day. Tell us when you’ve beat the new level!
- Fix neutral missiles HUD.
- More aerodynamic M6 NPC flight pose.
- Fix InternalProjectileWeapon's aiming system.
- Add visual weapon recoil to Warspite’s shooting.
Changed files in this update