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Breakwaters update for 7 September 2022

Interaction and UI feedback polish and bug fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 9464781 · Last edited 7 September 2022 – 01:19:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Fixed menu issue where opening and closing menus quickly could put them out of sync and have the wrong elements on/off
-Improved player slide vfx logic and setup dirt slide vfx
-Setup starting npc and second island npc to have lit backpacks on so you can better see them at night.
-Turned off the Shark water hazard
-Setup additional build feedback text for another state
-setup controller rumble on jump/fall landing
-Tightened up the jump/fall landing anim transition so it looks a bit tighter
-Set time of day value while the character screen is open so it doesn't use the lighting from the previous played world which might be night time.
-Changed pedestals to turn off their interaction once slotted since you can no longer unslot their interaction object
-Changed damage logic so that kick doesn't damage contraptions, only regular attacks will
-Changed build system logic so if you cancel building using a gamepad it wont also kick
-Improved health bar/hunger bar/hydration bar feedback so the goal line is more accurate an turns off correctly in some logic corner cases
-Increased Titan beam and melee damage
-Fixed golem foot print sizes so they match the character size
-Improved UI feedback for low hunger and hydration
-Changed UI feedback for hydration when you are sprinting and it is being consumed at a faster rate

Windows 64-bit Breakwaters Depot 1203181
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