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BROK the InvestiGator update for 6 September 2022

UPDATE 1.0.9

Share · View all patches · Build 9458367 · Last edited 6 September 2022 – 07:32:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • Fixed some thoughts lines which had double the effect, in particular Graff at school.
  • Fixed goal "Bolt taken away" if he was killed.
  • Fixed jumping on bed in Lia's room would prevent Brok from going to her.
  • Fixed events to call were not removed / could still be called while loading a save file or switching rooms.
  • Fixed pressing back button while update is being performed in jail.
  • Fixed dodging then eating food immediately after would create an incorrect state when crossing a trigger area.
  • Fixed being able to give the Tramp's medicine several times.
  • Fixed incorrect code with the XP upgrade display which could incorrectly destroy instances at random if unlucky.
  • Fixed gamepad hotspot for resuming Wes interrogation.
  • Fixed issues with summary if switching from school room with Brok. (no hotspot for the door)
  • Fixed minor summary text issues.
  • Fixed unable to skip fight when fighting the Squealers at the end.
  • Fixed unable to pause during the robot chase.
  • Fixed Graff able to interact with the statue in alley.
  • Fixed Graff's sweep attack could break two things at once in adventure mode, leading to potential softlocks.
  • Fixed bunker, using apartment key on the keyhole while the game ball falls into target could softlock.
  • Fixed cursor disappearing when there's a non blocking dialogue during a closeup (eg bunker front puzzle)
  • Fixed chapter select to jail could give up both remote controls into inventory.
  • Fixed saving during a certain scene at the factory and reloading would have player start the fight immediately.
  • Fixed getting killed by using violence to escape jail could lock us up with only the brain option left.
  • Fixed a killed character still appearing in one specific ending (very unlikely but still possible)
  • Fixed a possibility to go directly to Sector 56X without returning to see R.J. first, which caused issues afterwards.
  • Fixed chief rat saying Brok killed a homeless even if the rats actually killed him.
  • Fixed charging Mink would not appear correctly on the summary if done on the second time.
  • Fixed entering summary then switching to the other character after a chapter select could sometimes lead to issues.
  • Fixed attacking blind bot would trigger item combination instead of reacting and starting a fight.
  • Fixed alarm sound was cut off when there was dialogue.
  • Fixed hat icon not showing up in dialogue after the first automatic skip to next speech.
  • Fixed allow to do the examination in the pharmacy again if restarting from chapter 1.
  • Fixed color of Brok & Gherkin inside/outside the dome.
  • Fixed "erase" button placement and too long text boxes in Graff's exam for some languages.
  • Fixed Graff's money reduced to 50 Unis each day instead of 10 Unis, as the dialogue implied.
  • Fixed removed the pill from Graff's inventory as soon as Klay picks it up.
  • Fixed characters shadows were offset by one frame.
  • Fixed rubble animation in Trasher Hunt would sometimes stay permanently on screen.
  • Fixed "objective failed" appearing each time we entered the Border Post if we didn't save Bolt.
  • Implemented automatic save in Trasher Hunt after every 10 tries.
  • The game now gives some XP to Brok if you switch to a chapter directly from the main menu.
  • Improved animation of characters entering the Drums during that ending.
  • Added DPAD controls to robot chase.
  • Fixed breaking the door at the factory would crash if done in Chapter 6.
  • Added more integrity checks.
  • Refreshed offline choices stats.
  • Refreshed Kickstarter credits.
  • Improved Brazilian, German and Simplified Chinese translations and some typos in English and other languages.
    (Rvs 16673)
Windows Brok Windows Depot 949481
  • Loading history…
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