Announcement: Android Release is Thursday 8th September at 4PM GMT. The Ascension Update is Thursday 15th September at 4-6PM GMT (exact time will be announced on Discord the same day)
New: The buy system for Potatoes & Skulls Upgrade has been remade to allow a buy MAX, as it is the most requested QoL.
New: Inventory has a button to switch between comparing equipment base and enhanced stats.
New: Can use the scroll wheel to change inventory bag.
New: New Soul QoL purchase to scrap equipment automatically when the inventory is full.
New: Little Popup after 48h to kindly ask you to go review the game if you are enjoying it (honestly if you don't like the game... don't, just please DON'T ^^).
New: Equipment tutorial with a little arrow showing the new compare Base/Enhanced button and recycle all (with a new message explaining how to lock/unlock equipment).
New: Clicking outside Features that aren’t fullscreen now closes everything.
Change: Infinite Challenge (Classes Path), have been reworked to make your stats ^0.5 instead of Potatoes ^2 (it should help make it more balanced). The reward is also additive instead of compounding (it will fit better with some upgrade in the next big content update, and if this is too big of a change, but it shouldnt, i will rework it again).
Change: Whack Bonus popup is now in the center of the screen.
Change: Challenge now has a small info, so it is clear that it does a Reincarnation (and that you earn everything a reincarnation would).
Fix: Cow Factory Shop 'Confection Exp' upgrade was displaying a wrong price when selecting it.
Fix: Potato Upgrade 'Skulls' was showing 1% per level instead of 2%.
Translation: Sweden has now been fully added to the game (thanks to mifflo/tomtenmarkus ^^).
Translation: Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Russian fonts should be displayed properly and look a lot better. Let me know if this isn't a better change.
Farmer Against Potatoes Idle update for 5 September 2022
QoL Update V0.24:
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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