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Chicken Invaders Universe update for 6 September 2022

Early Access version 119

Share · View all patches · Build 9455206 · Last edited 6 September 2022 – 16:09:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Due to changes in the scoring rules, this update had to be delayed waiting for the Galactic Cup to end.

Quests have been introduced in this update. Quests are sets of goals that you gradually fulfil as you play the game. Completing all goals in your current quest will advance you to the next milestone. Completing enough milestones will advance to to the next quest rank. Current goals are chosen randomly from this set:

  • Accumulate the specified amount of flight time (in minutes).
  • Fly the specified amount of waves.
  • Fire the specified number of shots. To count, each shot must impact an enemy.
  • Fire the specified number of satellite shots.
  • Collect the specified number of gifts.
  • Collect the specified number of atom power-ups (excluding charity atoms).
  • Collect the specified number of food units.
  • Collect the specified number of golden coins that drop from enemies.
  • Kill the specified number of enemies.
  • Earn the specified number of medals.
  • Earn the specified number of bonuses.
  • Enter orbit on the specified number of galactic landmarks. Each landmark should be of the specified type.
  • Enter orbit on the specified number of planets. Each planet must be of the specified type.
  • Visit the specified number of star systems.
  • Visit the specified number of constellations.
  • Fly the specified number of missions. Missions must be unique and of the specified type. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Fly the specified number of missions. Missions must be unique and at least as difficult as the specified amount. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Fly the specified number of missions. Missions must be unique and have the specified environment. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Fly the specified number of missions. Missions must be unique and part of the Galactic Cup. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Fly the specified number of missions. Missions must be unique dares flown as part of the League. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Fly the specified number of missions. You must exclusively use the specified weapon for the duration of each mission. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Use the specified equipment during missions. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.
  • Use the specified spacecraft during missions. Only victorious missions count towards this goal.

:warning: Quests are still experimental. It’s quite probable that bugs will be found, or the set of goals will be modified/expanded based on your suggestions, or progression to be made easier/harder depending on how fast players are advancing through the ranks. It might even become necessary to reset your ranking. You have been warned.

Also, “Weapon Virtuosity” calculation has changed. Each additional weapon used during the mission has the potential to award up to +1% bonus (depending on how balanced usage is w.r.t. the most-used weapon). A quadratic falloff is applied in order to boost nearly-balanced usages. Non-competitive missions receive +3% for starting with Moron and +25% for using Moron exclusively.

Last but not least, one new music track and one new background!

More information about this update can be found here:

CIU Data Depot Depot 1510461
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Windows CIU WindowsEXE Depot Depot 1510462
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