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Ghost Exile update for 5 September 2022


Share · View all patches · Build 9452556 · Last edited 5 September 2022 – 10:26:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Now if you take a picture of several things that may be the ghost's favorite thing, the photo will not be counted even if the ghost's favorite thing turns out to be among them.
  • Removed stamina in the lobby
  • Now stamina is spent 4 times less if the ghost is not in hunting mode
  • The door to the container will not close now while there is a player nearby
  • Reduced the frequency of switching off the fuses box as well as reduced the chance that the ghost will accidentally turn it off.
  • Reduced CPU load
  • Fixed a bug where training could start in a normal game if a player started loading into training and abruptly closed the game and then tried to play a normal match.
  • Now the training computer in the recruit center has an interaction distance
  • Fixed a bug where the camera in the player's hands hung after being mounted on a tripod
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes items outside the container were invisible to some players
  • Fixed a bug where the portal to the ghost world was almost impossible to close
  • Now the name of the map is displayed on the map monitor in the upper right corner
  • Fixed a bug where the motion sensor was triggered constantly while the player (not the host) was standing in the area of the motion sensor
  • Fixed a bug where brightness after banishment was kept in the lobby

The next patch will also be devoted to corrections, we want to touch on the tool selection system, and ritual items.
After the next patch, we will start working on a major update!

Windows GhostExile Content Depot 1807081
  • Loading history…
Unused Ghost Exile Dev Depot 1807082
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