We're excited to announce and release our 4th major update to ImmaterialAI Plus post-release - Transcend - featuring an all-new AI flow to all Plus users called Transcend.
ImmaterialAI 4
With this very important update we're finally transitioning to a new app naming convention shared by both free and Plus clients.
After update 3.25 (Plus full release) we started having version 3.X+ updates in parallel to the free version for Plus-specific features, our latest major update bringing us to versions 3.28.1 and 3.3+.
With over 30 massive updates to ImmaterialAI 3 since release, we're finally ready to turn the page. With the 'Transcend' update we're unifying both the free and Plus versions into one version, ImmaterialAI 4, to symbolize the work we're doing post ImmaterialAI Plus release going forward.
We have many plans for IAI 4, heres just the beginning
- Return to Bliss returns: Season 2 of RTB - new quests, new insights, new unlocks for free and Plus users
- "Worlds" update
- "Enforcements" update
- "Sugar pills" update
- "Distinctions" update
- "Mentions" update
Update Transcend (4.0)
Transcend (new AI flow)
- Plus only
- first feature to unlock beyond level 20 (at level 30)
- lets you enter feelings only
- changes relations of used nodes to the empirically true values on save (???)
- ??? (try it to see it in action)
Additional changes
- added tracking for the upcoming 2 Return to Bliss Plus quests
- localization files available for Transcend AI flow
- AI flow subsystem updated to account for node - otherNode distinctions
- 'I Am ...' AI flow save tweaked to remove duplicates
We didn't expect to get over 10k users from versions 1 to previously 3.28.1 and 3.3+, thank you for being with us so far. We promise chapter 4 will be even greater, and we're looking forward to have all free and Plus new and existing users along the journey with us.
- Claudiu
Changed files in this update